Ramiro Gonzales

Capital Punishment Clinic client Ramiro Gonzales was sentenced to death in 2006 for the 2001 murder of Bridget Townsend. Clinical Professors Raoul Schonemann and Thea Posel have worked on Ramiro’s case since he was first scheduled for execution in 2016. Since then, Clinic students have worked on various aspects of Ramiro’s appeals including the application for clemency filed on June 4, 2024:

Professors Schonemann and Posel have also filed the following documents in the Court of Criminal Appeals and requested a stay of execution in conjunction with each:

Media Coverage of the 2024 Clemency Efforts:

The team representing Ramiro has also produced the following video, submitted to the Board of Pardons and Paroles on June 4, 2024 in support of his clemency application.

For more information:

Clinic contact

Jim Marcus
Phone: (512) 232-1475
Email: jmarcus@law.utexas.edu


Jim Marcus
Raoul Schonemann
Thea Jane Posel

Program Coordinator

Tabitha Smith
Phone: (512) 232-2173
Fax: (512) 572-8147
Email: tabitha.smith@law.utexas.edu