
Lectures, Symposia, and Conferences held at Texas Law.

Events for Spring 2022

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February 8, 2022 Tuesday

TNH 2.124
12:15pm - 1:30pm


Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain: What are they and how can lawyers get involved?


On Tuesday, February 8, the Strauss Center is pleased to welcome Sina Kian, a Strauss Technology, Security, and Global Affairs Fellow and UT Austin Adjunct Professor, for a talk on “Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain: What are they and how can lawyers get involved?” This will be a discussion with Professor Kian, VP of Strategy at blockchain startup Aleo and former law clerk to Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts. The talk will be moderated by Strauss’ Deputy Director Adam Klein.

The event sponsors follow the University of Texas’s public health related policies. There is an inherent risk of exposure to viruses and other health threats in any public space. Attendees voluntarily assume all associated risks. All UT guidelines and FAQs about COVID-19 can be found at Protect Texas Together.