Events Calendar

Now viewing: Friday, September 15, 2017

"COURTS AT WAR”—A Conference on Judicial Accountability for U.S. National Security and Counterterrorism Policies

TNH 2.111 (Sheffield-Massey Room)

The Robert Strauss Center for International Security and Law, UT Austin’s School of Law, and the Open Society Foundation will host the “Courts at War” Conference on September 14th and 15th in the Sheffield-Massey Room. An array of law practitioners, judges, and academics will discuss judicial accountability for U.S. national security and counterterrorism policies. This event is free and open to all students and the public.


For more information visit
Resume Day

Career Services Interview Suite (TNH 3.122)

1Ls: Get a jump start on crafting your legal resume! Stop by the Career Services Interview Suite on Resume Day any time between 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to have your questions answered by a CSO career counselor. Please bring your laptop along with a copy of your newly drafted resume.

Stop by anytime - no RSVP needed.

And remember, in order to guarantee your resume is reviewed in time for your initial 1L career counseling appointment, you need to submit your legal-style resume to by noon on Monday, October 2.

For more information visit
Northwestern Tax Law LLM Information Program

TNH 3.128 (Simmons Seminar Room)

Professor Philip Postlewaite, a tax scholar at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, will explain the benefits of pursuing a LLM Tax degree after earning a juris doctor and how it can assist you with building a tax law career. For students who are considering tax law as a career path, this will be a wonderfully informative session.

Lunch will be served. RSVP by Thursday, September 14, on Symplicity by selecting the "Events" tab.

For more information visit
How to Apply to the Orleans Public Defenders

TNH 3.129 (Atlas Seminar Room)

Will Snowden, supervising attorney at the Orleans Public Defenders (OPD), will briefly describe the work of OPD for students considering a career in public defense. He will also discuss the steps and timeline for applying to OPD for summer jobs and postgraduate employment.  

RSVP by Thursday, September 14, on Symplicity be selecting the “Events” tab.

Individual Meetings with Will Snowden, Orleans Public Defenders Friday, September 15, from 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in the Career Services Interview Suite Interested students can meet directly with Will Snowden, supervising attorney at the Orleans Public Defenders (OPD), prior to his short presentation below and keynote address at Change It Up! Lawyering for Social Change. Spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis on Symplicity be selecting the “Events” tab.

For more information visit
FLI Week 1 - Communicating as a Lawyer

CCJ 2.306 (Eidman Courtroom)

Week one of the Fall Litigation Institute (a hands-on, crash course training program in advocacy skills) will focus on the importance of communicating effectively as a lawyer in and out of the courtroom (body language, vocal tone, mannerisms, etc.). The guest speaker will be Len Matheo, founder of Courtroom Performance, Inc. and author of The Lawyer's Winning Edge.

For more information visit
Change It Up! Lawyering for Social Change

TNH 2.140 (Wright Classroom)

Join us for an event for new students exploring lawyering for social change, including an inspiring keynote, a student/alumni panel, and opportunities to connect with like-minded students, faculty, staff and attorneys. Lunch will be available beginning at 12:30 p.m. Students who are in class until 1:00 p.m. are welcome to bring lunch into the keynote.

Visit the Justice Center's event page to register and for more information on the schedule and speakers.

For more information visit