Category: Perspectives

  • Because of my training, experience, and education with the Criminal Defense Clinic, I feel ready and eager to begin my work as a public defender. Under the guidance of talented supervisors and attorneys, I learned how to flesh out each and every aspect of a criminal case and work each issue to the fullest. This […]
  • Laura Shoemaker
    The domestic violence clinic allowed me to experience the practical side of law school, rather than the theoretical side that is emphasized in the classroom.  By meeting with clients in-person and becoming personally involved with each case, I learned what it meant to be an advocate, rather than merely a lawyer.  The domestic violence clinic […]
  • Ashley Steele
    I work at the Office of Capital and Forensic Writs as a Post-Conviction Attorney on death penalty cases.  Taking the Capital Punishment Clinic in my 2L year in 2012-13 was the best thing I did in law school.  It provided some of the most practical preparation and training in my chosen field that I received […]
  • sarah Bown
    I was a student attorney ad litem in the Children’s Rights Clinic for two semesters. During that time I was able not only to make a difference in children’s lives but also develop and sharpen my advocacy skills. I was often the child’s only representative in meetings with caregivers, caseworkers, and family members, and it was […]
  • The Children’s Rights Clinic has been the defining experience of my law school career. I have argued contested motions before judges, negotiated with opposing lawyers and professionals and built relationships with challenging clients. Along with the great experiences, I have been able to  positively impact the lives of some of Austin’s most vulnerable citizens. The […]
  • Participating in the Civil Rights Clinic was a turning point in my law school career. Before I entered the clinic, I knew that I wanted to eventually pursue a career in the field of individual rights/civil liberties litigation, but I had a lot of doubts as to whether or not I’d be able to successfully […]
  • Hannah Herzog
    The UT Civil Rights Clinic was – hands down – my best experience in law school. Through the clinic, I attained profound knowledge of complex civil rights law and gained practical legal experience that was directly applicable to on-the-job skills. Professor Natarajan was, and continues to be, an incredible teacher and mentor – helping me develop […]
  • The Actual Innocence Clinic was one of the most beneficial experiences I had in law school. Actual Innocence is a difficult and challenging area of the law, but the ability to be a part of the process aimed at freeing an innocent individual who was wrongfully convicted is incredibly rewarding. Actual Innocence students have the […]
  • By serving as an attorney ad litem for abused and neglected children through the Children’s Rights Clinic, I was able to gain invaluable experience by practicing law in a real-world setting. This experience allowed me to develop my advocacy skills and a greater understanding of what it means to be an advocate.  Conducting interviews, representing […]
  • ian Petersen
    I highly recommend the Housing Clinic for three reasons. First, the Housing Clinic allows students to practice real-life lawyering skills that are rarely taught in the classroom. For example, rather than requiring formal litigation, the legal challenges presented by many Clinic clients can be resolved through effective communication with the client’s landlord–a crucial ability for […]