Clinic Eligibility and Enrollment Chart

Students who have completed their first two semesters and are in good academic standing are eligible to apply for all clinical courses. All courses require an application and enrollment is limited. Clinics are often over-subscribed, particularly in the spring term. Interested students should apply during the priority application window to maximize the chance of being admitted.

CoursesFall 2025 CreditsSpring 2026 Credits
Actual Innocence Clinic66
Capital Punishment Clinic
(Pre-requisite/co-requisite required)
Children’s Rights Clinic166
Civil Rights Clinic66
Criminal Defense Clinic166
Disability Rights Clinic144
Domestic Violence Clinic166
Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic166
Environmental Clinic66
Housing Policy Clinic6not offered
Housing Clinic1not offered4
Human Rights Clinic66
Immigration Clinic66
Juvenile Justice Clinic1not offered6
Law and Religion Clinic66
Supreme Court Litigation Clinic66
Transnational Worker Rights Clinic66
1 Due to State Bar requirements related to the student supervised practice card, this clinic is only open to JD students.

For details about internships, review the Internship Eligibility and Enrollment Chart.

For questions, contact the Clinical Program Manager Christina Dost at