Brian C. Rider
- Adjunct Professor

Brian Rider '72 has taught real estate development, real estate transactions, land use regulation, and real estate finance as an adjunct professor since 1998. He is a member of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers and a frequent speaker at Continuing Legal Education seminars, including the Mortgage Lending Institute at UT, and advanced real estate seminars for the State Bar of Texas. Professor Rider's practice is primarily the representation of commercial real estate developers and environmental matters that concern their properties.
Brian Rider received his B. A. from Rice University (1969) and his J. D. degree from the University of Texas School of Law (1972). His practice is primarily the representation of clients who develop and operate commercial real estate projects, including representation in environmental matters which concern their properties. He has been Chair of the Real Estate Section of the Travis County Bar Association (1988-1990) and a Member of the Council of the State Bar’s Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law Section (1992-1996). He is a member of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers and a frequent speaker at Continuing Legal Education Seminars, including the Mortgage Lending Institute for the University of Texas, the Advanced Real Estate and the Advanced Real Estate Drafting Seminars for the State Bar of Texas. Since 1998 he has been an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas teaching Real Estate Development, Real Estate Transactions, Land Use Regulation, and Real Estate Finance.
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