Application Information

Application Requirements and Deadlines

The application to join the LL.M. Class of 2025-2026 closed March 1, 2025.

The application to join the LL.M. Class of 2026-2027 will open September 1, 2025.

LL.M. applications must be submitted through the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). The application opens on September 1 and complete applications (EAPP & CAS) are due by March 1. The Admissions Committee recommends that those interested in applying for scholarships apply by December due to early scholarship deadlines.

All applicants must purchase the LLM Credential Assembly Service (LLM CAS). Applicants with a foreign law degree must also purchase the International Transcript Authentication and Evaluation Service (ITAES).

The LL.M. Program requires applicants to have a first professional degree in law. Applicants with a foreign law degree can check the Law School Admission Council LL.M. Eligibility Chart for degree requirements by country to see if they are eligible for the program. The LL.M. Program does not accept applications from graduates of distance learning and online law programs or U.S. J.D. programs not accredited by the American Bar Association. The LL.M. Program currently has 25 spots for each incoming class.

The Admissions Committee reviews applications holistically but with an emphasis on practical experience. EAPP and CAS reports must be received by April 15. Please take in to account the time that it takes LSAC to evaluate application documents. The Admissions Committee is unable to review incomplete applications and will be withdrawn after April 15. Applicants can check the status of their Texas Law LL.M. application on the Applicant Dashboard. Email questions to

LL.M. Application Checklist

Application fee: $75 nonrefundable application fee paid through LSAC.

  • LSAC Application (EAPP) Applicants must submit their application form through LSAC. The application form requires biographical information, educational experience, professional experience, amongst other sections. In filling out the application, each question must be answered honestly and fully. The applicant is responsible for the accuracy and thoroughness of all information provided. Applicants have a duty of full candor.
  • Personal statement The applicant should tell the Admissions Committee about themself, including why they want to pursue an LL.M. at Texas Law and how this connects to past achievements (e.g., coursework, legal practice, and/or research) and future plans. The personal statement should not be a restatement of the other parts of the application. This is an opportunity to tell the Admissions Committee something about that could not be known based on the other application materials. The applicant’s statement could include short- and long-term professional goals and how the LL.M./concentration would benefit their legal career. For example, they could explain why their academic and/or professional background makes them a strong candidate for Texas Law’s program and how the LL.M. degree will impact their post-graduation plans. They could also describe specific area(s) of academic interest. They could discuss their practical legal experience and how an LL.M. degree would take their professional career to the next level. They could discuss any matters relevant to their ability to succeed at Texas Law, practice law, and any other experiences or interests that would enable them to contribute to the intellectual community at the Law School. The personal statement should be written without assistance from others or AI Tools and should be limited to 800 words.
  • Resume The resume should be limited to 1-2 pages.
  • Official law school transcript(s), including proof of degree If the official law school transcript with final grades and proof of degree are in a language other than English, then literal (word-for-word) English translations are required. However, certified English translations are not required. Applicants must submit all higher education transcripts, including transcripts for study abroad programs, transcripts for degrees still in-progress, and proof(s) of degree. Starting in January 2021, LSAC is accepting transcripts emailed to them as unencrypted PDF attachments on a case-by-case basis. To confirm whether LSAC will accept emailed unencrypted PDF transcripts from the institution, email
  • Three letters of recommendation Letters of recommendation must be professional or academic, not personal. The Admissions Committee strongly recommend that at least one letter of recommendation come from an academic source. However, letters from employers or others who have worked closely with the applicant can be very helpful, particularly if the applicant has been out of school for many years. All professional and academic references must be on official letterhead.
  • Official TOEFL iBT score (101 minimum) or IELTS Academic score (7.5 minimum) To have a TOEFL score sent (TOEFL iBT or TOEFL iBT Home Edition), provide ETS with LSAC’s institution code (8395) when placing the order for a copy of the score report to be sent. Applicants who are trying to submit their IELTS score (IELTS Academic or IELTS Indicator) should submit to “Law School Admission Council LLM/JD Credential Assembly Svc.” See below for further information about the English Language Requirement and possibilities for a waiver.
  • Interviews Applicants, who proceed to further stages of the application process, will be required to attend virtual interviews as a part of their application. Interviews are a further chance to discuss the applicant’s background with the Admissions Committee.

Misconduct and Irregularities in the Admission Process

LSAC Rules Governing Misconduct and Irregularities in the Admission Process defines misconduct or an irregularity as the submission, even by mistake, as part of the law school admission process of any information that is false, inconsistent, or misleading, or the omission, of information that may result in a false or misleading conclusion, or the violation of any regulation governing the law school admission process (Source: LSAC Rules Governing Misconduct and Irregularities in the Admission Process, Section 3). In accordance with LSAC Rules Governing Misconduct and Irregularities in the Admission Process, the LL.M. Program reserves the right to deny admission or revoke an offer of admission if it concludes misconduct or an irregularity has occurred as part of the law school admission process.