For this edition of Texas Law’s Student Spotlight series, meet 3L Amber Magee, the current President of the Thurgood Marshall Legal Society!

Amber Magee wearing an orange jacket, holding up the 'hook em' emblem, in front of the "School of Law" sign

Q: So Amber, what does life after Texas Law look like for you?

Leaving Texas Law will be the first time I leave this campus since I started at UT in 2013. I have truly enjoyed my time on campus, but my time in law school has been the most meaningful to me. I have always been an analytical thinker, but law school encouraged me to think about concepts in new ways. After graduation, I will move to Shreveport, Louisiana to clerk for Judge Carl Stewart of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

Q: What are you most looking forward to with your clerkship with Judge Stewart?

I am most looking forward to the opportunity to truly think about the law for an entire year. I am excited to become a practitioner in the future, but my clerkship will enable me to absorb the law and strategies for client advocacy in a new way. The arguments and advocates that argue before the court end up changing the legal landscape, and it will be fascinating to watch that process for a year before I jump into the profession.

Q: What has been the best surprise about your law school experience?

The best surprise about my law school experience is how much I am still learning as a third-year student – both about myself and the practice of law. As a 3L, I’ve learned so much about the way that people and juries think through classes and competitions with the trial advocacy program. Law school is a continuous learning opportunity, and I am so thankful to have this opportunity at Texas Law.

Category: Student Life, Student Spotlight