For this edition of Texas Law’s Student Spotlight series, meet soon-to-be graduate Michael Vance, the current Vice President of the Thurgood Marshall Legal Society!

Portrait of Michael Vance, wearing a suit and black tie with white polka dots

Q: What do you like most about working with TMLS?

As the Vice President of TMLS, I enjoy having a hand in creating a positive and nurturing environment for the members of our organization. The law school has been very supportive of our organization and has given us a lot of flexibility to create programs that we feel meet the needs of our members. This past year I was privileged to help lead our Thriving in Law School program. Thriving in Law School is a student-created and student-led pre-orientation program co-sponsored by the various affinity groups at the law school. It provides a space for minority students at Texas Law to meet one another prior to the start of the school year. It was uplifting to hear how helpful and meaningful the program was for the students that attended.

Q: What’s the most interesting class you’ve taken at the Law School?

The most interesting class I’ve taken has been the Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic. Through the clinic I’ve been able to apply the theory and concepts I’ve learned in my previous classes to the real-world needs of my clients. For example, I’ve been able to apply the knowledge I gained in my Trademarks class to help a small business owner with some of her intellectual property needs. The Clinic has also been instrumental in helping me develop case management skills and learn how to be a more effective advocate and counselor.

Q: How do you envision your life after Texas Law?

For me, there’s no such thing as life after Texas Law. While I will start off my career as a corporate associate at a firm in Houston after I graduate, I know I will always stay connected to the law school. One of the main reasons I chose to attend Texas Law was its focus on community, and I want to do my part to make sure that tradition continues. Whether through the giving back of my time or my resources, I want to play a role in helping future generations of students make the most of their experience at Texas Law.

Category: Student Life, Student Spotlight