For this edition of Texas Law’s Student Spotlight series, meet the class of 2024’s Blake Cleary!

Q: What inspired you to pursue a legal education?
Weirdly, I was teaching English in Turkey and was going through conversation practice with one of my students who told me about the day to day life her father had as a lawyer. My interest was piqued when she said that her father described his job as an ever-changing puzzle. This encouraged me to seek out more information which, in turn, led me to work for a couple of law firms that showed how important and influential an attorney can be in people’s lives.
Q: How have your experiences as a highly competitive athlete influenced you?
My athletic career has taught me that it is impossible to overstate the importance of good teammates. As an athlete, a student, and a person—the people you surround yourself with directly influence who you will become. Starting with my old teammates who constantly challenged me on the track, I saw the benefits that come with having a teammate, classmate, friend, or mentor who pushes me to greater heights and sharpens my skills, knowledge, and strengths.
Q: How do you envision your life after Texas Law?
My favorite people have been my mentors and coaches, each successful in their own industry. Of course, I want to leverage my past experiences and skills into a successful career, whatever shape that may take. But, I would also love to step into the role of mentor, and in that way give back to those whose shoes I once occupied.