2022 Texas Bar Foundation Award winning Texas Law alumni are (top row, from left) Beryl Crowley ’71, Jane Macon ’70, William Whitehurst ’70, (bottom row, from left) Darell Barger ’74, Macey Reasoner Stokes ’93, Michael Ritter ’10, and Talmage Boston ’78
The Texas Bar Foundation announced that seven Texas Law alumni will be honored with 2022 Texas Bar Foundation Awards. The foundation will recognize them at its annual dinner in June to honor lawyers who exhibit the highest traits of the legal profession. The Foundation posted award recipients on their website, along with descriptions of each award.
Outstanding 50 Year Lawyer Award – The Foundation’s highest honor, the Outstanding 50 Year Lawyer Award, was the first award it established and was first presented in 1974. It’s an award that recognizes attorneys who adhere to the highest principles and traditions of the legal profession and service to the public and have done so for a full half-century of practice. This year, three of our alumni will be recognized: Beryl Crowley ’71, Jane Macon ’70, and William Whitehurst ’70.
Dan Rugeley Price Memorial Award – Talmage Boston ’78
Outstanding Law Review Article Award – Michael Ritter ’10
Ronald D. Secrest Outstanding Trial Lawyer Award – Darrell Barger ’74
Gregory S. Coleman Outstanding Appellate Lawyer Award – Macey Reasoner Stokes ’93
“Texas Law alumni are leaders in the legal profession, in many roles and in many areas of specialization,” said Dean Ward Farnsworth. “We always take pride in the professional recognition that many of our alumni receive, including the prestigious Texas Bar Association Awards. We’re especially proud of these graduates who are being recognized now. Each of them is a star in the Texas legal profession, and has brought great credit to the Law School.”
The Texas Bar Foundation is one of the largest charitable bar foundations in the nation. Members of the foundation are nominated and are in held in extremely high professional standing by their peers.