Elizabeth W Sepper in the Media

Elizabeth W Sepper’s faculty profile

External link Attorney General Garland

AP News August 3, 2022

Explainer: Does health care law protect emergency abortion?

Professor Elizabeth Sepper is quoted about the relevance of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) to doctors providing abortion-related medical care to women in life-threatening medical situations.
External link

The Washington Post July 18, 2022

Louisiana judge temporarily extends order blocking abortion ban

Professor Elizabeth Sepper is quoted in an article about a Louisiana judge temporarily extending the block of the state's trigger laws, until it can be decided whether or not the abortion ban violates the state's constitution.
External link Struggling mother and three kids, lack of childcare.

The New York Times July 1, 2022

Who Will Help Care for Texas’ Post-Roe Babies?

Professor Elizabeth Sepper is quoted in an article discussing the post-Roe consequences for the state of Texas, which has high maternal morality rates, and how a ban on abortion could further threaten access to sustainable childcare.
External link Abortion protestors

Chron June 25, 2022

What overturning Roe v. Wade means for abortion in Texas

Professor Elizabeth Sepper discusses what a post-Roe society looks like for the state of Texas, elaborating on Texas trigger laws, abortion-related criminal charges, and the future of contraceptives.