Elizabeth W Sepper in the Media

Elizabeth W Sepper’s faculty profile

External link NPR

NPR May 30, 2022

Abortion access questions, asked and answered

Professor Elizabeth Sepper was among the experts interviewed in a radio news story about the potential consequences of an overturned Roe v Wade, including whether embryos created for IVF would be included in the conversation.
External link Abortion protestors outside SCOTUS

The Hill May 5, 2022

To understand life after Roe v. Wade, look to Texas

Professor Elizabeth Sepper co-authors an opinion piece about what could happen if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, reflecting in part on what has occurred in Texas since its highly restrictive abortion law went into effect.
External link Market Screener Logo

Market Screener May 4, 2022

Abortion leak exposes Supreme Court in disarray

Professor Elizabeth Sepper gives her opinion in an interview on how politics and public opinion have taken a stronger grasp of the Supreme Court than ever before.
External link Activists marching at the steps of the Supreme Court building on Oct. 4.

Bloomberg Law May 4, 2022

Alito Draft Would Allow for Sweeping State Action on Abortion

Professor Elizabeth Sepper is quoted in an article discussing the leaked SCOTUS document sharing the idea of a rational basis test for the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and how this potential standard may strip away abortion rights even in cases of exception.