Heather K Way in the Media

Heather K Way’s faculty profile

External link Graphic in black and white showing shattered pieces, with the top displaying the word "fractured," and the bottom displaying a house.

ABA Journal February 1, 2021

How Jim Crow-era laws still tear families from their homes

Professor Heather Way is quoted in an ABA journal article on Heirs’ property law—a vestige of the Jim Crow South— that investigates a little-known legal loophole that has stripped generations of Americans of their land.
External link Sign for a new apartment village stands in the grass in front of the complex

Texas Tribune September 14, 2020

How a big Texas tax break created not-so-affordable housing

Professor Heather Way's report through Texas Law's Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic was referenced in an article about the tens of millions of dollars in property tax breaks private developers have received that have driven up the cost of affordable housing in Texas. The report is the first to calculate and inventory the spread of the deals statewide and their public costs and benefits.
External link A modern, new-construction house next to a smaller one-story house

The Washington Post July 30, 2020

Fostering development without displacement

Professor Heather K. Way offers her expertise as she is quoted in a Washington Post article regarding the gentrification of lower class residents in Austin, specifically how there is a unique chance for cities to repair gentrification after the fact.