Jeffrey B Abramson in the Media

Jeffrey B Abramson’s faculty profile

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New York Times October 24, 2023

In Texas, Local Laws to Prevent Travel for Abortions Gain Momentum

Professor Jeffrey Abramson is quoted in an article about recent efforts from abortion opponents in Texas to pass local restrictions aimed at preventing people from helping pregnant women travel to neighboring states for abortions.
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The Bulwark June 22, 2023

Will Judge Cannon Give Trump a Favorable Jury?

Professor Jeffrey Abramson co-authors an article about potential legal concerns associated with former President Donald Trump's upcoming trial in Florida, including the jury selection process.
External link West Virginia power plant

The New York Times July 1, 2022

A Win for the Coal Industry, a Loss for the Planet

Professor Jeffrey Abramson authors a Letter to the Editor that is critical of recent Supreme Court actions on key issues and their connection to the Republican Party platform.