Mechele Dickerson in the Media

Mechele Dickerson’s faculty profile

External link wallethublogo

Wallet Hub May 7, 2024

Cities with the Most & Least Student Debt

Professor Mechele Dickerson comments on the impact that the large amount of outstanding student loan debt has on the economy as a whole.
External link Vox logo

Vox December 7, 2023

Why buying a house in the US is so hard right now

Professor Mechele Dickerson describes how median wages have not risen proportionately to housing cost increases, and how that affects class mobility and the middle class.
External link Apartment for rent sign displayed on residential street.

KXAN December 27, 2022

Why is there no ‘rent control’ in Texas?

Professor Mechele Dickerson comments on rent control issues in Austin and calls for affordable housing solutions as rental prices continue to soar.
External link Houses for sale

Planetizen March 22, 2022

Increased Homeownership Won’t Close the Racial Wealth Gap

Professor Mechele Dickerson and her book, Homeownership and America's Financial Underclass: Flawed Premises, Broken Promises, New Prescriptions, are mentioned in an article about assumptions regarding homeownership.