Norma V Cantu’s faculty profile

Weatherford Democrat October 19, 2023
School voucher supporters and opponents debate public school funding, private school accountability
Education and Law Professor Norma Cantú advises against making significant changes to public schools–such as prioritized education savings accounts (vouchers), public school funding, and private school accountability–during the Texas Legislature's short special session timeline.

San Antonio Express-News November 29, 2021
Ayala: Civil rights commission chair to bring ‘her statement of gratitude’ to GED event
Professor Norma Cantu is quoted in an article regarding her work, looking at racial disparities in maternal health and the role the federal government can play in reducing such disparities.

KVUE November 12, 2020
Meet Mary & Norma, the 2 UT Austin professors on Joe Biden’s transition team
KVUE reported on Prof. Norma Cantú's recent appointment to President-elect Joe Biden's Department of Education team.