Philip C Bobbitt’s faculty profile

Just Security July 29, 2024
A Prudential Way Forward in Trump v. United States
Professor Philip Bobbitt explains Justice Robert Jackson’s concurrence in the Supreme Court case of Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer as a model of structural argument. March 24, 2022
Putin’s Real Fear: Ukraine’s Constitutional Order
Lecturer Philip Bobbitt authors an article with Viola Gienger about the motive behind Putin's invasion of Ukraine and why NATO must defend the country.

ABA Journal March 24, 2022
SCOTUS will consider war powers in case of ailing veteran claiming employment discrimination
Lecturer Phillip Bobbitt is quoted in an ABA Journal article on a Supreme Court case in which the petitioner is a veteran claiming employment discrimination.

The Washington Post March 22, 2022
Three Ways the ‘Market State’ Can Ease Ukraine’s Suffering
Lecturer Philip Bobbitt co-authors an editorial about strategies that have been used to confront the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how innovations of the "market state" suggest other lines of policy that could serve to end the war.

kxan June 24, 2021
UT law professor awarded Honorary Knighthood by Queen Elizabeth
Professor Philip Bobbitt has been awarded Honorary Knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II for his services to UK/US relations.

ABA Journal June 22, 2021
Don’t call him ‘sir’: Law prof reflects on receiving honorary knight award from the UK
Professor Philip Bobbitt is quoted in an article regarding his new title being awarded honorary knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II.

Just Security January 12, 2021
Impeachment, Incitement and What (Nearly) Happened on January 6th
Philip Bobbitt, Distinguished Senior Lecturer at Texas Law, penned an article for Just Security that explores what he thinks likely motivated President Trump's actions on Wednesday, January 6.