Stephen I Vladeck in the Media

Stephen I Vladeck’s faculty profile

External link Graphic of an abstract office space full of stacks of newspapers and data.

The New York Times November 8, 2020

Elections Don’t Have to Be So Chaotic and Excruciating

Professor Stephen Vladeck wrote an opinion piece for The New York Times regarding the election process and why he believes it’s time for the United States to rethink its approach to counting and releasing election returns.
External link Portrait of Stephen Vladeck, wearing a blue shirt with a grey jacket that has a longhorn pin on it.

CNN October 12, 2020

Supreme Court won’t require in-person dispensing of abortion drug for now

CNN Supreme Court analyst and Texas Law Prof. Stephen Vladeck was cited in a CNN article about a recent victory for abortion rights supporters, as the Supreme Court declined to reinstate restrictions, for the time being, on patients who seek to obtain a drug used for abortions.