Stephen I Vladeck in the Media

Stephen I Vladeck’s faculty profile

External link Portrait of Steve Vladeck

Bloomberg September 27, 2020

How the Law Will Change with a More Conservative Court (Podcast)

Professor Stephen Vladeck contributed to a podcast that discussed how a majority conservative Supreme Court can impact the law in terms of abortion rights, Obamacare, gun rights, affirmative action, voting rights and religious rights, etc.
External link William Barr walks with Donald Trump

The New York Times September 25, 2020

Barr’s Approach Closes Gap Between Justice Dept. and White House

Professor Stephen Vladeck spoke to the New York Times regarding the Justice Department, and how the Attorney General has brought the Justice Department closer to the White House and the Trump Administration than it has been in decades.
External link Ruth Bader Ginsburg

CNN September 18, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s most notable Supreme Court decisions and dissents

Professor Stephen Vladeck was quoted in a CNN article regarding Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's most notable writings and successes. Specifically, Professor Vladeck claimed that one of RBG's most important pushes for sex equality was the Virginia Military Institute and the court requiring the state-funded school to accept women for admission.
External link The 9 seated members of the Supreme Court posing in front of a deep red background.

BuzzFeed News September 18, 2020

Here’s How The Supreme Court Will Function With Eight Justices Leading Up To The Election

Prof. Stephen Vladeck was quoted in Buzzfeed News, claiming that when there are vacancies, the Supreme Court in the past has tried to avoid ties, meaning that no nationwide precedent is set for lower courts to follow. This article discusses the short-term and long-term implications for the ninth seat staying vacant until after the election.
External link E. Jean Carroll being photographed by an individual with a cell phone

Associated Press September 9, 2020

Justice Dept. push into Trump case could prompt dismissal

Professor Steven Vladeck was quoted in three separate articles about how the Justice Department moved to replace Trump's legal team with government lawyers to defend him against a defamation lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll. Legal experts, including Vladeck, were skeptical of the federal government's effort to protect the president. Click for links to the CNN and New York Times articles. The Associated Press article is linked below.