The Washington Post April 14, 2020
Trump says his ‘authority is total.’ Constitutional experts have ‘no idea’ where he got that.
In a Washington Post article about Trump claiming he has “ultimate authority” when questioned about reopening the country, Professor Robert Chesney was quoted about how the Constitution contradicts Trump’s statements.
More of: Robert M Chesney
National Review April 14, 2020
The Government’s COVID-19 Failures Are an Argument against Medicare for All
Professor Charles Silver co-authored an article that was published in National Review which argues that the realities of the effects of the coronavirus in the U.S. should prove that Medicare For All will not help the country in crises such as this one.
More of: Charles M Silver
American Constitution Society April 4, 2020
Forced Closing of Houses of Worship During the Coronavirus: Both Legal and Right
Professor Sanford Levinson co-authored an article that was published for the American Constitution Society which argued that it is legal and of high necessity to enforce church closures in order to ensure a vast decrease in the spread of the coronavirus.
More of: Sanford V Levinson