November 21, 2014
New York Times Op-Ed: Professor Mechele Dickerson Debates Home Refinancing
Room for Debate: Stricter Rules for Refinancing Your House? Tougher Standards Would Ensure Stability By Mechele Dickerson Of the subprime mortgages that led to the 2008 financial crisis, only about a third were actually used to buy homes. Most of the borrowing was used to refinance existing mortgages and in many cases borrowers extracted the […] -
July 10, 2014
New York Times Op-Ed: Professor Willy Forbath Comments on Supreme Court Harris v. Quinn ruling
The War on Workers: The Supreme Court Ruling on Harris v. Quinn Is a Blow for Unions By William E. Forbath and Cynthia Estlund Unions have never been uncontroversial in American society, but the battles over labor have grown fiercer in recent years: Witness the fight over public-employee unions in Wisconsin, or the 2012 decision […] -
December 22, 2010
Malpractice lawsuits study by Professors Bill Sage and Charles Silver cited in the New York Times
A study cowritten by two Law School professors, William Sage and Charles Silver, "Do the Elderly Fare in Medical Malpractice Litigation, Before and After Tort Reform? Evidence from Texas, 1988-2007," was cited in a recent New York Times article about the effects of Texas's tort reform laws on lawyers and patients.