This June, when the Texas Bar Foundation hands out its annual honors to a select group of distinguished lawyers from around the state, four Texas Law alumni will hear their names called and have the chance to bask in the adulation of their peers.

Terry Tottenham ’70

Kelly Frels ’70

Allan DuBois ’70
The Foundation’s highest honor, the Outstanding 50 Year Lawyer Award, was the first award it established and was first presented in 1974. It’s an award that recognizes attorneys who adhere to the highest principles and traditions of the legal profession and service to the public and have done so for a full half-century of practice. This year, four of our alumni will be recognized, including three members of the Texas Law Class of 1970. They are Allan DuBois, of San Antonio, Kelly Frels, of Houston, and Terry Tottenham, of Austin.
Also receiving this high honor is former White House Counsel for Pres. George W. Bush, Harriet Miers, of Dallas.

Judge Xavier Rodriguez ’87
Another Texas Law alumnus is being recognized by the Foundation this year: Judge Xavier Rodriguez ’87, of San Antonio, will receive the Samuel Pessarra Outstanding Jurist Award. That award, named for the late president of the Brazoria County Bar Association, recognizes an active Federal or State judge who has served on the bench for a minimum of 10 years and “exhibits an exceptionally outstanding reputation for competency, efficiency and integrity.”
“At Texas Law, we know how much our alumni do for the profession,” said Dean Ward Farnsworth. “Every June, I delight in seeing them recognized for it by their peers across the state. They make us proud.”
The awards ceremony, which organizers hope may be able to held online, will be part of the annual State Bar of Texas meetings this coming June 17 and 18.
Correction (April 8, 2021): We’ve corrected an error in noting the class year of our three alumni as 1971, when in fact, they graduated in 1970.