For this edition of Texas Law’s Student Spotlight series, meet 3L Jovita Pardo!

Hometown: Austin, Texas
Degree: B.A. in History, Austin College
After starting law school elsewhere, you decided to transfer to Texas Law. What was it about Texas Law that attracted you and was there anything in particular that helped make your transition go smoothly?
After 1L, I transferred to Texas Law. I wanted to transfer here because it’s the best law school in Texas that could provide me with the rigorous challenges necessary to prepare me for legal practice, and it’s located in the city I love. Texas Law’s exceptional professors, diverse class options, stimulating clinics, and welcoming student body truly sets it apart. Since day one, I have felt welcomed and accepted by everyone on campus, which made transitioning to a new school super easy.
What is something you’re passionate about outside of classes?

Being active and traveling have always been important to me. Throughout law school, I have implemented a daily workout regime. This has helped me get healthier, develop a routine to maintain when I start practicing law, and provide ample opportunities to positively manage my stress. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve also learned to value the experiences that I gain while traveling abroad. Over time, I’ve managed to travel to 17 countries, and plan to take my post-bar trip to Japan! I also love training my one-year-old German Shepherd puppy, Marisol! Puppies are a handful and incredibly time-consuming, but training them is so rewarding.
What’s the most interesting class you’ve taken at Texas Law?
This is tough to narrow down to a single class because Texas Law has so many interesting classes. Water Law was fascinating because it brought to light the serious ramifications of climate change that induces water scarcity issues and the diverse set of state laws that govern water rights. I learned so much in such a short period of time!
What’s your best advice for incoming 1Ls?
My best advice is to keep doing the things you love. Working out is how I manage my stress, stay healthy, and improve my mental health. Law school is a marathon, not a sprint. So, while grades are important, doing the things you love ensures you stay motivated and keep working hard all semester long without burning out. I’ve always made sure to maintain my workout regime, even during finals. I believe this has ensured my success in law school. Taking a break to touch grass or interact with friends can be a healthy way to reset your mindset and motivate you for the future!
What’s your motto and why?
“Get comfortable being uncomfortable” is my favorite motto. I’ve learned personal growth and understanding require some level of discomfort. This discomfort creates an internal struggle to challenge oneself to try new opportunities. I realized the importance of pushing yourself toward discomfort when I studied abroad as an undergraduate student. By moving to a new country where I didn’t know anyone, I was able to shape my mindset and attitude to become the person I am today. With a new chapter in my life beginning soon, I aim to get comfortable with being uncomfortable when I start practicing law. I’m excited about what the future and its lessons hold.