Category: Faculty Scholarship

  • portrait of David Spence for Academic Minute
    David Spence’s new book on climate politics is highlighted on the nationally syndicated program.
  • John Golden sits in his office in front if his bookcases.
    The Edward S. Knight Chair in Law, Entrepreneurialism, and Innovation combines expertise in science, history, and law.
  • Her study on prescription drug prices is highlighted on the nationally syndicated program.
  • The University of Texas School of Law is pleased to host the eighth annual Administrative Law New Scholarship Roundtable on May 16-17, 2023. Texas Law’s Prof. Melissa Wasserman and Prof. Wendy Wagner are organizing the event. The Administrative Law New Scholarship Roundtable is an annual event, hosted by a rotating series of law schools, at […]
  • Prof. Lynn Baker stands behind a podium wearing a black shirt underneath a red leather jacket.
    Multidistrict litigation, the increasingly common practice of transferring related civil actions that start out in diverse federal courts to a single judge for coordinated pre-trial development, has been making eye-popping headlines with billion-dollar settlements and proceedings involving hundreds of thousands of claims. Some of the best known of the recent proceedings, which are commonly referred […]
  • Portrait of Prof. Elizabeth Sepper wearing a black shirt underneath a grey and white jacket.
    Elizabeth Sepper’s formal title is Professor of Law, but it could also just as well be Professor of Gray Areas. With a focus at the intersections of equality, healthcare, and religious rights, Sepper’s extensive scholarship probes the ambiguities and potential conflicts among these subjects. “I don’t think I fit in a box. I’m a bit […]
  • Prof. Erik Encarnacion
    When many lawyers think about the first year of law school, they recall coffee-fueled discussions about the theories behind contract consideration and tort law remedies. Texas Law Assistant Professor Erik Encarnacion wants to change the way the profession thinks about these foundational concepts. Encarnacion’s current research includes a series of articles on how resilience can […]