Sanford V Levinson in the Media

Sanford V Levinson’s faculty profile

External link Texas and US flags

Newsweek June 21, 2022

Could Texas Really Secede? Experts Weigh in

Professor Sanford Levinson weighs in on the unlikeliness of Texas seceding from the United States following a recent Republican convention where the state GOP called for fellow Texans to vote in a referendum.
External link President Clinton during the nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Los Angeles Times May 4, 2022

Column: Why we need term limits for Supreme Court justices

Professor Sanford Levinson is quoted about the popularized idea of an enforced term limit for Supreme Court justices. The quote was presented at a roundtable discussion hosted by Levinson and the Texas Law Program on Constitutional Studies.
External link Silhouette of Trump

The New Republic April 21, 2022

What if Trump wins in 2024?

Professor Sanford Levinson is quoted in an article on the possibility of former President Trump winning re-election in 2024.