Faculty in the Media

External link Justice Alito

Law360 January 6, 2023

How Alito Became The Lightning Rod of the High Court

Professor Tara Leigh Grove comments on how Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is perceived in an article about how he has transformed himself into a symbol for the court's current bold and conservative image.
External link Albert V Bryan Federal District Courthouse

Lawfare December 27, 2022

FISA Section 702 (2008-2023?)

Professor Adam Klein pens an article about the expiration of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which allows U.S. intelligence agencies to collect data on foreign targets through American communications infrastructure.
External link "The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution" Book cover

The Majority Report December 26, 2022

The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution

Professor William Forbath is interviewed on the book he co-authored – "The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution: Reconstructing the Economic Foundations of Democracy" – in a podcast.
External link Wilmer Hale logo

Wilmer Hale December 21, 2022

The Other Side Says Your Evidence Is A Deepfake. Now What?

In an article about the reliability of video evidence, a term coined by Dean Bobby Chesney is referenced. "Liar's dividend," refers to the tactic of
individuals playing upon the existence of "deepfakes" to challenge the authenticity of genuine media.