Tag: Lynn Baker

  • Every year, class action settlements bring $10-$20 billion into federal courts, and every year, federal judges award billions of these dollars to plaintiffs’ attorneys in payment of fees and reimbursement of expenses. But can we be sure those awards are set correctly? And, if they aren’t, what are the consequences for plaintiffs, attorneys, judges, and […]
  • Lynn A. Baker, Frederick M. Baron Chair in Law at the University of Texas School of Law, was one of a handful of legal scholars invited to speak at the 2011 Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference in Carlsbad, California, on August 16, 2011. Baker’s panel, “Federalism in the 21st Century: Balancing States' Rights with Federal Power,” discussed current Supreme Court federalism jurisprudence, offered predictions on the direction the Roberts court is likely to take, and debated the proper balance between federal and state power.