October 22, 2012
Pro Bono Program to organize DACA clinics for 2013 Pro Bono in January trip
On January 6–11, 2013, the Pro Bono Program will take thirty students as well as several faculty members to the Texas Rio Grande Valley during the second week of January. This will be Pro Bono in January’s fourth year in the Valley. This year the Pro Bono Program is partnering with the Texas Civil Rights Project in Austin to organize clinics in the San Juan area to assist pro se youth to petition for relief under the recently launched Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. At the clinics, students and volunteer attorneys will help high-school DACA petitioners (aka “DREAMers”) complete forms and compile documents to file with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. -
October 22, 2012
UT Law joins 2012 National Celebration of Pro Bono, October 21–27, 2012
During the week of October 21–27, 2012, the UT Law Pro Bono Program will participate in the fourth annual nationwide celebration of pro bono service. Launched by the ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service, the National Pro Bono Celebration focuses the nation's attention on the increased need for pro bono services and celebrates the work of lawyers who volunteer their services throughout the year. -
August 30, 2012
Law students and faculty members to assist undocumented youth at fall clinics
The UT Law Pro Bono Program has teamed with the Law School’s Immigration Clinic to organize weekend clinics throughout the fall to assist pro se youth to petition for relief under the recently launched Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. At the clinics, law students and volunteer attorneys will interview pro se high-school DACA petitioners (aka “DREAMers”) and assist them to complete forms and compile documents to file with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. -
August 23, 2012
Pro Bono Program creates a variety of opportunities for student service
Next week at orientation, the UT Law Pro Bono Program will introduce the Pro Bono Pledge to its third entering class. The first class to sign the pledge, the class of 2013, will graduate next May. Last year over 80% of the 1L class signed the pro bono pledge, committing to perform 50 hours of […] -
April 13, 2012
Second annual ice cream social to celebrate public service, April 23, 2012
The William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law will host the Law School’s second annual ice cream social to celebrate public service and to recognize student accomplishments on Monday, April 23, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Sheffield Room (TNH 2.111). The event is open to the entire Law School community and to family and friends of the honorees. -
October 27, 2011
National Pro Bono Week at UT Law: Spotlight on the 2011–2012 Pro Bono Scholars
In celebration of National Pro Bono Week (October 23–29), the UT Law Pro Bono Program is pleased to announce that second-year students Meredith Kincaid and Gwen Vindell have been selected to serve as Pro Bono Scholars for the 2011–2012 academic year. -
October 26, 2011
National Pro Bono Week at UT Law: Spotlight on Brandi Weaver, ‘05
In recognition of National Pro Bono Week (October 23–29), the UT Law Pro Bono Program celebrates the pro bono efforts of members of the Law School community. Recently the Pro Bono Program spoke with Brandi Weaver, director of Student Services in the Law School’s Student Affairs Office, about her work representing clients in divorce cases through Volunteer Legal Services. -
October 25, 2011
National Pro Bono Week at UT Law: Spotlight on Professor Jordan Steiker
In recognition of National Pro Bono Week (October 23–29), the UT Law Pro Bono Program celebrates the pro bono efforts of members of the Law School community. Recently the Pro Bono Program spoke with Professor Jordan Steiker about his work representing clients in capital cases. -
October 24, 2011
National Pro Bono Week at UT Law: Spotlight on Jake Gilbreath, ’09
In recognition of National Pro Bono Week (October 23–29, 2011), the UT Law Pro Bono Program celebrates the pro bono efforts of members of the Law School community. Recently the Pro Bono Program spoke with Jake Gilbreath, a 2009 UT Law graduate and an attorney at Piper & Turner PLLC, about his pro bono work in family law. -
October 19, 2011
In anticipation of National Pro Bono Week (October 23–29), the Pro Bono Program is pleased to announce that the application for the 2012 Pro Bono in January trip will be available on Monday, October 24. Pro Bono in January is an annual winter break trip that gives law students the opportunity to engage in meaningful pro bono work in low-income communities. This year, the Pro Bono Program will take forty to fifty students as well as several faculty members to the Texas Rio Grande Valley, Laredo, and El Paso during the second week of January. -
October 5, 2011
Pro Bono Program and Justice Center to host White House “Champions of Change” watch party
The Law School’s Pro Bono Program and the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law will live-stream the White House's "Champions of Change" event at the Law School on Thursday, October 13, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. CST in the Goodwin Conference Room, CCJ 1.312. -
October 5, 2011
The William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law is joining the LBJ School of Public Affairs to undertake a major study for the Texas Legislature on the use of contracts for deed in Texas colonias. The study will focus on title issues, variations of contracts for deed, and abuses during the sale of property in these communities. It will also examine wider issues of title irregularity as these emerge through informal land sales, subdivision, and intestate inheritance.