Client Feedback Project with Capitol Area Private Defender Service

Students will survey individuals incarcerated in the Travis County Jail who were represented by a CAPDS attorney after the close of their case. Students also will interview individual detained in the Travis County jail who submit complaints to CAPDS about lack of communication with their appointed defense counsel and other attorney performance issues. Students may perform other tasks, such as examining jail logs, calling family members, and reviewing court files, to assist CAPDS in its review of complaints and its efforts to monitor and improve the performance of attorneys who accept court appointments to represent low-income individuals accused of criminal offenses.


Capitol Area Private Defender Service

CAPDS enhances the quality of representation provided to indigent adult criminal defendants in Travis County. CAPDS achieves this by establishing meaningful standards for quality representation, ensuring appointed counsel exceeds these standards, overseeing the work of appointed counsel, and providing educational and mentoring services to support those appointed to represent indigent clients.

Project Details

Project Start Date

September 2015

Approximate hours of work requested
15 hours, including training
Training will be held 11:50am-1pm on Thursday, October 8 in CCJ 1.324
Skills used
Client interviewing/intake; investigation
Project location
Travis County Jail, Del Valle location
509 W. 11th Street, Austin, TX 78701
Number of student volunteers requested
Class year preference
1L, 2L, 3L, LLM
Required skills
Language: Spanish helpful but not necessary
To Apply
Submit email stating interest and any language skills to Sarah Sedgwick at; applications received by noon on Monday, September 28 will receive priority consideration