The Mithoff Program coordinates pro bono service trips on an occasional basis, based on student interest and community demand.
These trips offer Texas Law students the opportunity to participate in meaningful pro bono opportunities in communities outside of Austin that have significant unmet legal needs.
Immigration Service Trip Spring Break 2023
During Spring Break 2023, the Mithoff Program and the Immigration Clinic will sponsor a 3-day immigration service trip to the U.S.-Mexico border. Information about the trip and how to apply is available here.
TATJ Pro Bono Spring Break
Every year the Mithoff Program encourages Texas Law students to apply to participate in the Texas Access to Justice Commission’s Pro Bono Spring Break. During Pro Bono Spring Break, law students from every Texas law school travel across the state volunteering their time to help low-income Texans resolve their civil legal problems.
Pro Bono in January 2010-2022
Before the University adopted a new calendar starting with the 2022-23 academic year, each January the Mithoff Program sponsored the Pro Bono in January winter break service trip to Texas’s Rio Grande Valley and other locations in South Texas. PBinJ was a virtual experience in January 2021 and 2022.
Unaccompanied Minor Service Trip Summer 2021
Texas Law students provided Know Your Rights Presentations and legal screenings to unaccompanied immigrant children at the Office of Refugee Resettlement emergency intake site in Midland, Texas.
Immigrant Family Detention Winter Break Service Trip 2017
In January 2017, Texas Law students traveled to Karnes City and San Antonio for a week to help detained mothers and children navigate the U.S. asylum process.
Gulf Trip 2015
In January 2015, Texas Law students traveled to Texas’s Gulf Coast region to help disaster victims protect their newly-reconstructed housing by drafting wills and applying for homestead property tax exemptions. The trip was organized by the Texas Title Project and the Mithoff Program.
Student Hurricane Network Service Trips 2008-2009
For two years, Texas Law students traveled to the Mississippi Gulf Coast to participate in January service trips coordinated by the Student Hurricane Network following Hurricane Katrina.