Texas Law Expunction Project – Work Session I

Students will use court records and information provided at expunction intake clinics to draft petitions and orders for expunction or nondisclosure of criminal records. Expunging records allows people to legally deny offenses and erases records from criminal histories, mitigating future harm stemming from arrests that do not result in a criminal conviction. Orders of nondisclosure direct police departments and other agencies not to disclose criminal records on background checks, and allow a person to not disclose offenses on applications for housing or employment.


Educational Equity Project, Mithoff Pro Bono Program

The Expunction Project is an internal project of the Richard and Ginni Mithoff Pro Bono Program’s Educational Equity Project.

Project Details

Project Date

Tuesday, October 11

Project Time
Approximate hours of work requested
3.5 hours, including training
New work session volunteers will be trained in the first 30 minutes of the work session; returning work session volunteers will receive a refresher training in the first 10 minutes of the work session. For work sessions, one of the requirements is Microsoft Word, which is now available for FREE! Contact the Sarah Sedgwick for instructions on how to access this free software.
Skills used
Document preparation/review
Project location
Sheffield-Massey Room (TNH 2.111), next to the Tom Clark Lounge
Number of student volunteers requested
Class year preference
1L, 2L, 3L, LLM
To Apply
Submit email stating interest to Sarah Sedgwick at ssedgwick@law.utexas.edu