Justices from Mexico Make Official Visit to UT Law

The University of Texas School of Law Kay Bailey Hutchison Center for Latin American Law welcomes five prominent justices from the Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación de México (Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary of Mexico), to campus Jan. 30 – 31.

This is the first official visit by the justices, who specialize in federal election law and voting matters including the presidential election, to UT Law as part of long time collaboration exploring topics of electoral systems and voting rights. On the justices’ two-day visit, they will meet with Dean Ward Farnsworth and faculty, tour campus attractions relevant to their discipline and participate in a public workshop at the law school.

Event: “Comparative Election Law: México-USA” workshop

Who: Five justices from Mexico including former UT Law visiting professor Manuel Gonzalez Oropeza

When: Thursday, Jan. 30 from 10 – 11:30 a.m.

Where: The University of Texas School of Law Eidman Courtroom

More: The presentation is free and open to law school students, faculty and staff as well as students from across the campus and community interested in Latin American and particularly Mexican law, voting rights, politics, elections and Constitutional law. Justices will present their remarks in Spanish with simultaneous interpretation provided.

About the Kay Bailey Hutchison Center

Established in 2013, the mission of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Center for Latin American Law is to improve understanding of important legal and policy issues related to trade, business, investment and the rule of law that link Latin America and the United States, strengthening ties among the Americas.

For more information about the new center or the Jan. 30 event, call 512-232-3835 or email kbhcenter@law.utexas.edu.

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