For this edition of Texas Law’s Student Spotlight series, meet 3L Emily Bamesberger!
Q: What has been your inspiration to come to law school?
After being a stay-at-home parent, I wanted an intellectually engaging career. I have several lawyers in my life who have shown me the creativity required in many types of legal work, and their examples convinced me that law would be a good fit for someone looking to be continuously challenged and engaged.
Q: What has been the best surprise about your law school experience?
The best surprise about law school has been how much I have gained from the relationships I’ve made while here. Both my friendships with classmates and my relationships with faculty have not only helped me academically, but also enriched my experience of community here in Austin.
Q: What has made you feel part of the Texas Law community?
You can’t help but bond with the people who go through trial-by-fire with you, so I credit the pressure of 1L year for really cementing my relationships within Texas Law. It also helped that the Dean’s Fellows and faculty were (and continue to be) welcoming and genuinely interested in students feeling comfortable here.