? STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Natalia Arizmendi ’24


For this edition of Texas Law’s Student Spotlight series, meet 1L Natalia Arizmendi!

Q: What has been the best surprise about your law school experience?

The people have been the best surprise in law school. Law school is challenging and requires constant adjustments and exposure to experiences that are at times uncomfortable, but UT has created such a kind and supportive environment that there’s a feeling of solidarity from everyone ranging from professors to students.

Q: What has been the most rewarding aspect of being a first-generation student?

The most rewarding aspect of being a first-generation student is seeing how everything I’ve worked for is coming to fruition. Knowing that I’m one step closer to being an advocate for my community, a mentor to other first-generation students, and a dream come true for my family is amazing. Realizing daily that I am so close to accomplishing that which I’ve worked so hard for and my family sacrificed so much for.

Q: How do you envision your life after Texas Law?

This is a tough question because I am still figuring out what road I want to take professionally. As of now, I envision myself working as a litigator at a firm that values community and diversity. Wherever I go, I want to continue doing pro-bono and advocacy work.

Category: Student Life, Student Spotlight