? STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Emma Edmund ’24

For this edition of Texas Law’s Student Spotlight series, meet 1L Emma Edmund!

Emma Edmund '24Q: How did your time as Editor In Chief of The Daily Northwestern help prepare or inspire you for law school?

My time as editor of The Daily helped me develop and refine my writing skills, which I think is critical to performing well in law school and as a lawyer. As an editor, I spent hours each day reading other people’s work, writing my own articles, and figuring out the best way to translate the facts of a situation into a cohesive narrative on paper. That type of engagement helped me not only pay attention to details, like whether a certain word was the best way to convey an idea, but also the larger picture, such as making sure the fact pattern we describe in an article makes sense and helps the reader understand the world around them a little better. I also think reporting as a whole provides great inspiration for law school. As a journalist, the stories you write can often revolve around the law and how people are affected by it. For me, that exposure to the law helped me realize my desire to become an attorney, and also helped me appreciate the work attorneys do that can often go unnoticed by someone outside of a case or situation.

Q: What has made you feel part of the Texas Law community?

I’ve been impressed by the spirit of collaboration at Texas Law. No matter what room I walk into, I’ve always felt that I can ask for help when I need it, and that if someone doesn’t know the answer to my question, we’ll figure it out together. It’s been wonderful to step into a community that’s as open and inviting as Texas Law, and that has helped me feel like a part of the community from day one.

Q: What’s the most interesting class you’ve taken at the law school?

This probably comes as no surprise from the person who was a journalism major, but I really enjoy Legal Analysis and Communication with Prof. Bridges. The class, which teaches you to think and write like a lawyer, is both practical and helpful. I’ve developed a number of skills in that class I know I’ll use as a lawyer, such as finding relevant law through research and writing a short-but-clear memo for a supervisor. Legal Analysis and Communication has also given me the analytical skills necessary to understand material in my other classes, which makes the course perfect for my first semester in law school.

Category: Student Life, Student Spotlight