?STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Julia Di Fiore ’22

For this edition of Texas Law’s Student Spotlight series, meet 3L Julia Di Fiore, a member of Texas Law Review, a Texas Quizmaster, and a Teacher’s Assistant!

Portrait of Julia Di Fiore, wearing a magenta shirt in front of a dark blue background.Q: What sort of things are you engaged in at law school?

My extracurriculars include being a member of Texas Law Review, a TQ for Professor Schiess, and a TA for Professor Kull. I love getting to know and work with the 1Ls and welcome them to Texas Law, especially in these unprecedented times when it can be so difficult to feel connected to a new community. I am delighted to get to know the new students and help them navigate law school during a pandemic.

Being a member of TLR is very different this year than in past years, but it has still been a gratifying experience. It has been interesting getting to read articles exploring areas of law that I had no prior knowledge of. My writing has improved from going through the editing process with multiple articles and learning more about usage and style (and many, many citations). I’m really looking forward to having more interaction with other members of TLR if and when we ever get back to some sort of normalcy.

Working as a TQ for Professor Schiess has also been a wonderful experience that has helped me improve my writing skills. Through grading memos, you get a much better understanding of how to write and communicate clearly and effectively. It has also been a lesson in paying more attention to details and learning how to articulate problems that are present in someone’s writing. Most of all, it has been wonderful to get to know the 1Ls and (hopefully) help them improve their writing.Working as one of Professor Kull’s TAs has been rewarding for similar reasons. The best part is getting to work with a small group from the class in a weekly meeting and work on contracts problems together. The experience has deepened my understanding of contracts and has given me a chance to get to know some of the 1Ls much better than I otherwise would have. Opportunities for connection are lacking these days, and getting to connect with the new class has truly been a highlight of the semester. They are all doing so great navigating law school through these times, and I really admire their courage for starting law school this year.

Q: What has made you feel part of the Texas Law community?

The Texas Law community has welcomed me with open arms.  The faculty and staff, alumni mentors, student organizations, and my Dean’s Fellow have all played a supportive role in making my transition to law school a seamless one.  I am also incredibly grateful for my fellow students and their conscious efforts to come together and bond through this pandemic.  Despite my virtual 1L experience, I feel a true sense of community at Texas Law!

Q: What made you want to become a lawyer?

I decided to become a lawyer because I want to be involved in public service in some capacity. Giving back to my community is an important value to me, and I hope to be able to use my law degree to do just that. Lately I have been very motivated to get involved in protecting and expanding voting rights for Americans to make it as safe and as easy as possible to vote.
Category: Student Life, Student Spotlight