June 8, 2010
Professor Julius Getman’s new book chosen as best on union organizing by AFL-CIO
University of Texas School of Law Professor Julius G. Getman’s new book, Restoring the Power of Unions: It Takes a Movement, has been chosen as the best book on labor organizing in the private sector by Union Privilege, the member benefits arm of the AFL-CIO. The book, published by Yale University Press, will be released on June 27. -
June 2, 2010
The University of Texas School of Law will host the 33rd Annual Health Law Professors Conference on June 3–5, 2010. -
April 29, 2010
The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals issued an opinion on Wednesday, April 28, 2010, vacating the death sentence of Roy G. Smith. Smith was represented in his appeal by University of Texas School of Law Professors Rob Owen and Jordan Steiker, assisted by the students of the Law School’s Capital Punishment Clinic. -
April 26, 2010
Opinion: The case against partisan judicial elections, by Professor Dan Rodriguez
Daniel B. Rodriguez, Minerva House Drysdale Regents Chair in Law at the Law School, has written an article for the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy’s blog suggesting that Texas should consider abandoning partisan judicial elections. -
April 26, 2010
Opinion: Assistant Professor Justin Driver on “The Stevens Myth,” in the New Republic
Justin Driver, an assistant professor at the Law School, has written an article in the New Republic wondering why everyone has fallen for Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens’s "self-serving narrative." -
April 22, 2010
Daniel B. Rodriguez, Minerva House Drysdale Regents Chair in Law at the Law School, has written an article in the Houston Chronicle discussing the possibility that Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Diane Wood, ’75, could be the next Supreme Court justice. -
April 1, 2010
In this video from UT's Know online magazine, she explains the necessary balancing act that occurs in the United States legal system, as citizens challenge the use of new and more invasive defense technologies such as whole-body scanners in airports. From Guantanamo Bay to police searches, Natarajan clarifies the significance of the rule of law and the writ of habeas corpus in maintaining national security. -
February 15, 2010
The Law School’s Law and Philosophy Program brings together an impressive variety of interdisciplinary scholars. -
February 15, 2010
UT Law Professor Derek P. Jinks brings his expertise on international law to the Naval War College -
February 15, 2010
Hu named first director of the SEC’s new division of Risk, Strategy, and Financial Innovation -
February 15, 2010
Director of the National Security Clinic -
February 15, 2010
Bernard J. Ward Professor in Law