Michele Y Deitch in the News

Michele Y Deitch’s faculty profile

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C-SPAN's Washington Journal March 2, 2024

Michele Deitch on the U.S. Prison System

Professor Michele Deitch is interviewed about the current state of U.S. prisons and how improvements can be made to the criminal justice system.
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NPR September 23, 2023

1 in 4 inmate deaths happens in the same federal prison. Why?

Professor Michele Deitch comments on the lack of independent oversight of state and federal prison systems in the U.S., as reports from the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) reveal exceedingly high death counts of those in custody.
External link Texas prison graphic

NBC News March 17, 2022

Do Texas prisons violate human rights? One Scottish judge says yes

Lecturer Michele Deitch is quoted in a news story about a recent case where the US was denied extradition of a Scottish fugitive by a Scottish judge due to concerns about Texas prisons' possible failure to meet international human rights standards.