Judge Edward Prado, '72, and costumed Law School students with schoolchildren who watched a mock trial of "Gold E. Locks" during the 2010 Explore UT.
On Saturday, March 3, 2012, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., the University of Texas at Austin will host “the biggest open house in Texas”—Explore UT. This annual event is a hands-on introduction to the University to schoolchildren from kindergarten through high school through a variety of events, performances, lectures, exhibits, and other activities.
“Explore UT is a special occasion,” said University of Texas President Bill Powers. “We’re proud to welcome everyone to this day of adventure.”
As in past years, the Law School will host several events:
11:00 a.m.–11:40 a.m.
So You Want to Go to Law School
Get an overview of the application process and requirements for law school admission from Director of Admissions Programs Sam Riley. Learn about steps to take early in an academic career to better prepare for law school consideration. TNH 2.137
Noon–12:40 p.m.
I Can Do That? What the Supreme Court Says About Student Rights in School
Why is a dress code allowed under our right to freedom of expression in the Constitution? Come see what you can and can’t do, wear, and say in school. You may be surprised. TNH 2.137
1:00 p.m.–1:40 p.m.
Gold E. Locks Mock Trial
Law students perform in a mock trial with Gold E. Locks, a well-known storybook figure, as the defendant. The Honorable Edward C. Prado, Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, will preside. Children in the courtroom will be selected to serve as the jurors. CCJ Eidman Courtroom
2:00 p.m.–2:40 p.m.
Ice Cream Break
Free Amy’s Ice Cream served to visitors. Come over for a cool, creamy break and explore the Law School. Susman Godfrey Atrium
3:00 p.m.–3:40 p.m.
Gold E. Locks Mock Trial
Law students perform in a mock trial with Gold E. Locks, a well-known storybook figure, as the defendant. The Honorable Edward C. Prado, Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, will preside. Children in the courtroom will be selected to serve as the jurors. CCJ Eidman Courtroom
A complete schedule of Explore UT events is available on the University of Texas at Austin’s Explore UT website. Detailed maps of the law buildings—Jones Hall, Townes Hall, and the John B. Connally Center for Justice—can be found on the Maps and Directions pages on the Law School’s website.
Contact: Brandi Welch, School of Law Student Affairs Office, 512-232-1145 or bwelch@law.utexas.edu