The cover story of this month’s Managed Care Magazine is “Young Docs: The New Blood That Health Care Needs,” and it builds its profile of a new rising generation of doctors and medical students on a lecture given at Yale Law School last fall by Texas Law Prof. William Sage.
Prof. Sage—also an MD with an appointment as a professor of surgery and perioperative care at the Dell Medical School—thinks we should be bullish about the doctors of tomorrow, who, he believes, are, as a group, well-prepared for the managed health care realities of the future. They are more comfortable working in teams, working as part of large organizations, and (given a strong awareness of, and desire for, greater life-work balance) less insistent on entrepreneurial independence than earlier generations of doctors.
“These characteristics, says Sage, make today’s doctors better suited to modes of health care financing and delivery that are moving away from fee-for-service and volume to shared-risk arrangements and incentives that reward value,” writes Timothy Kelley, author of the Managed Care article.
Read the full article here: “Young Docs: The New Blood That Health Care Needs”.