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  • Emily Bamesberger pictured with her husband and two kids at the beach
    Being a mother isn’t easy. Law school isn’t easy. Doing both at the same time takes a special kind of strength and perseverance. Today we honor mothers worldwide and at Texas Law, and what better way than to hear directly from them? Read Q&A’s with a few of our law students who are also mothers […]
  • Portrait of Michael Vance, wearing a suit and black tie with white polka dots
    For this edition of Texas Law’s Student Spotlight series, meet soon-to-be graduate Michael Vance, the current Vice President of the Thurgood Marshall Legal Society! Q: What do you like most about working with TMLS? As the Vice President of TMLS, I enjoy having a hand in creating a positive and nurturing environment for the members […]
  • Portrait of Dean Ward Farnsworth on the right with the cover of his book, "Farnsworth's Classical English Style" written in green with a graphic of an eagle
    A number of Texas Law faculty members have recently published new books covering a broad range of topics. Read on to get a glimpse of the new books written by our world-class faculty.  The Oxford Handbook of Caribbean Constitutions  The Oxford Handbook of Caribbean Constitutions by Richard Albert can be found here. The Oxford Handbook […]
  • This year’s list of the Ten Best Corporate and Securities Law Articles, selected by an annual poll of corporate and securities law academics, includes an article co-authored by Texas Law Professor Henry T. C. Hu. Hu holds the Allan Shivers Chair in the Law of Banking and Finance. The top ten articles were chosen from […]
  • Portrait of Prof. Karen Engle
    Prof. Karen Engle’s new book, The Grip of Sexual Violence in Conflict, was released last week from Stanford University Press. Subtitled “Feminists Interventions in International Law,” the monograph traces three decades of feminist engagement with international law and institutions with a focus on how and why both feminist activism and international law became “gripped” by the […]
  • Three photos in wall plaque honoring Virgil C. Lott '53
    Many in the Texas Law community are familiar with Virgil C. Lott’s story. In 1953, Lott became the first African American to graduate from The University of Texas Law School and was the first African American to sit on the bench of an Austin court. Today the law school honors Lott’s achievements and memory by […]
  • Portrait of Thaisa Howard
    For this edition of Texas Law’s Student Spotlight series, meet 2L Thaisa Howorth, who has a dual degree in social work and designed the Texas Law Self-Care Resources website! Q: How do you think your dual degree in social work will impact your law career? My social work education informs my role as an advocate […]
  • Graphic with three women fists on the right and the phrase "To the firsts, the nows, and the nexts..." written in dark blue cursive on the top left, and a Texas Law logo on the bottom.
    As this year’s Women’s History Month comes to an end, we reflect on the remarkable women who shaped and continue to shape Texas Law. Check out this presentation to learn about and celebrate just a few of our many accomplished alumnae and students who continue to raise the bar for excellence in the legal world […]
  • Amber Magee wearing an orange jacket, holding up the 'hook em' emblem, in front of the "School of Law" sign
    For this edition of Texas Law’s Student Spotlight series, meet 3L Amber Magee, the current President of the Thurgood Marshall Legal Society! Q: So Amber, what does life after Texas Law look like for you? Leaving Texas Law will be the first time I leave this campus since I started at UT in 2013. I […]
  • The Honorable Brandy Mueller, Travis County Court at Law #6, with award recipient Noorulanne Jan, ‘21 and The Honorable Orlinda Naranjo standing in a courtroom
    The William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law hosted its annual “Color of Justice” program on Wednesday, February 5 in the Eidman Courtroom. There the National Association of Women Judges, co-sponsor of the program, awarded second-year Texas Law student Noorulanne Jan with the Access to Justice scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to a […]
  • Ashlie Alaman with her left hand on her hip, posing in front of an entry wall
    Ashlie Alaman graduated from Texas Law in ’09 and has spent most of her career providing aid to those in need through pro bono work. Alaman was a finalist for the American Bar Association’s 2019 DFW Pro Bono/Public Service Award. Below is an article highlighting Alaman’s work, published with permission from The Texas Lawbook.   […]
  • Prof. Adrienne Davis wearing glasses and an orange scarf
    The Thurgood Marshall Legal Society at Texas Law hosts its annual symposium on February 21, with panels and discussion on the ethical, political, and legal implications of reparations. The day’s programming, organized by 2019-20 chapter president Amber Magee, will take place in the Sheffield Massey Room and will feature Texas Law Prof. Mechele Dickerson and […]