July 20, 2010
Opinion: Stefanie Lindquist in the Austin American-Statesman on “Judging the activist label”
Stefanie Lindquist, Thomas W. Gregory Professor in Law at the Law School, has written an opinion piece in the Austin American-Statesman on misunderstandings of the term "judicial activism." -
July 14, 2010
The American Society for Law, Medicine & Ethics presented a special lifetime achievement award to Professor John A. Robertson of the University of Texas School of Law during the Thirty-third Annual Health Law Professors Conference in Austin last month. -
June 30, 2010
The United Nations Human Rights Council has endorsed the nomination of Ariel Dulitzky, a clinical law professor at the University of Texas School of Law, to a five-person Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. -
June 28, 2010
As president of Cristo Rey Jesuit, the Rev. TJ Martinez, '96, prepares underprivileged children for a better future -
June 24, 2010
National Security Clinic wins D.C. Circuit appeal, Guantánamo detainee’s habeas case goes forward
On June 18, 2010, the National Security Clinic at the University of Texas School of Law won an appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which allows a Clinic client’s habeas case to go forward in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. He can now challenge his detention at the Guantánamo Bay facility. -
June 23, 2010
Opinion: “It’s Alive: Can Elena Kagan save the legal left?,” by Justin Driver in the New Republic
Assistant Professor Justin Driver has written an article in the New Republic about the U.S. Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. -
June 22, 2010
Opinion: A New Model for Mass Torts?, by Charles M. Silver at Huffington Post
Charles M. Silver, who holds the McDonald Chair in Civil Procedure at the Law School, has written an article at the Huffington Post on the Republican response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. -
June 21, 2010
Bill Whitehurst, ’70, and his wife, Stephanie, recently announced that they will give the University of Texas School of Law $125,000 over the next five years to fund the Whitehurst Public Interest Summer Fellowships program. -
June 10, 2010
Online video of Denise Gilman, clinical professor from the Law School's Immigration Clinic, discussing the myths and truths behind the United States's immigration policy. -
June 8, 2010
Professor Julius Getman’s new book chosen as best on union organizing by AFL-CIO
University of Texas School of Law Professor Julius G. Getman’s new book, Restoring the Power of Unions: It Takes a Movement, has been chosen as the best book on labor organizing in the private sector by Union Privilege, the member benefits arm of the AFL-CIO. The book, published by Yale University Press, will be released on June 27. -
June 2, 2010
The University of Texas School of Law will host the 33rd Annual Health Law Professors Conference on June 3–5, 2010. -
June 1, 2010
Recent Graduate William Peterson to become U.S. Supreme Court clerk
William Peterson, ’08, has accepted an appointment to serve as a clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas during the Court’s 2010–2011 term.