Category: Student Life

  • The University of Texas School of Law has awarded the sixth Equal Justice Scholarship to Erin Gaines, an incoming first-year law student. The scholarship covers tuition and fees for three years of legal study.
  • Third-year Law School student Andrés Durá has been awarded a two-year Equal Justice Works fellowship. Durá’s fellowship, which is sponsored by the Texas Access to Justice Foundation, will be spent in San Antonio working for the Equal Justice Center providing legal services to low-income and immigrant construction workers who have not been paid for their labor.
  • Five students at the University of Texas School of Law have been awarded University Co-op Public Interest Awards in honor of their extraordinary commitment to public service.
  • The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals issued an opinion on Wednesday, April 28, 2010, vacating the death sentence of Roy G. Smith. Smith was represented in his appeal by University of Texas School of Law Professors Rob Owen and Jordan Steiker, assisted by the students of the Law School’s Capital Punishment Clinic.
  • The University of Texas lit the Tower on April 27, 2010, to honor the Law School team that won the 2010 National Championship at the Judge Conrad B. Duberstein National Bankruptcy Moot Court competition.
  • A Law School grant helps second-year law student Andrés Durá carry out original research on an 1813 execution for fraudulent bankruptcy in the United Kingdom
  • Six Law School students collaborate with Columbia Law School students on the National Black Law Journal