Author: Christopher Roberts

  • Texas Law logo, with an orange background and white letters.
    The deans of the ten Texas law schools, including Dean Farnsworth and Texas Law, have written a joint statement condemning racism, and remembering George Floyd and other victims of racial violence. In announcing their statement, the deans said, “We recognize that eradicating racism is an issue that transcends any particular school, which is why we have come […]
  • Portrait of Prof. Karen Engle
    Prof. Karen Engle’s new book, The Grip of Sexual Violence in Conflict, was released last week from Stanford University Press. Subtitled “Feminists Interventions in International Law,” the monograph traces three decades of feminist engagement with international law and institutions with a focus on how and why both feminist activism and international law became “gripped” by the […]
  • Prof. Adrienne Davis wearing glasses and an orange scarf
    The Thurgood Marshall Legal Society at Texas Law hosts its annual symposium on February 21, with panels and discussion on the ethical, political, and legal implications of reparations. The day’s programming, organized by 2019-20 chapter president Amber Magee, will take place in the Sheffield Massey Room and will feature Texas Law Prof. Mechele Dickerson and […]
  • Portrait of Professor Deitch, wearing a purple jacket and blue necklace
    Prof. Michele Deitch, a Senior Lecturer at the School of Law and the LBJ School, has been serving as Chair of the Travis County Sheriff’s Advisory Committee on the Women’s Jail since March 2018. The Committee’s brief was to develop a vision for a model women’s jail facility based on best practices from around the country […]
  • Portrait of Dean Keeton
    Josiah Daniel ’78, a retired Partner in Residence of the Vinson & Elkins Dallas office, is writing a biography of Dallas congressman Hatton W. Sumners, based on his papers in the Dallas Historical Society’s archive. While researching that project, Daniel came across a fascinating time capsule of law school history: An episode from 1960 involving […]
  • Corner of the Law School with plants, blue chairs, a purple couch, and a shelf of books. This is the John A. Robertson "alcove".
    There is a newly designed space for Texas Law students, staff, and faculty to relax and recharge on the 5th floor of Jones Hall: the John Robertson Alcove, created in memory of the longtime and beloved professor who passed away in the summer of 2017. “John loved art, music, books, and sunlight, all things he […]
  • Portrait of Arleas Upton Kea, wearing a bright coral jacket and pearl necklaces.
    Arleas Upton Kea ’82, the Chief Operating Officer of the FDIC in Washington, D.C., and the Immediate Past President of the Law Alumni Association, has just authored a powerful essay for American Banker magazine’s online platform. The piece, titled “It’s a ‘lonely walk’ to the top at FDIC for a woman of color,” looks at Upton […]
  • All the 2019 Alumni Award Winners, standing with their hands up in the
    The Law Alumni Association presented its annual awards at a gala ceremony on October 4 at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Austin, recognizing Julius Glickman ’66 for Lifetime Achievement, Darren Walker ’86 as the Outstanding Alumnus, and Shawn Raymond ’99 as the Distinguished Alumnus for Community Service. In addition, Amanda Tyler ’04 was honored […]
  • Image of a youtube video of students in the School of Law building.
    A new academic year is underway at Texas Law and we’ve welcomed 288 1Ls and 35 LLMs to The Forty Acres. To mark the occasion, we had cameras rolling during Orientation and have produced this brief video to mark today’s milestone. The video was sent this morning to all 24,000+ Texas Law alumni and shared […]
  • Five of Texas Law’s most accomplished and remarkable alumni are being honored this year by the School of Law Alumni Association and Dean Ward Farnsworth. The awards were announced by Alumni Association President Arleas Upton Kea ’82. “The Alumni Awards honor the ‘best of the best’ in our large and highly accomplished alumni community. These […]
  • Headshot of Steve Vladeck
    Stephen I. Vladeck, the A. Dalton Cross Professor in Law, has been named one of the five winners of the U.T. Mexico Center’s inaugural Opinion Writing Award. Prof. Vladeck was honored for his opinion piece, “Our Increasingly Unenforceable Constitution,” which appeared in The New York Times on March 27, 2018. The winners were announced by […]
  • The law school is sad to announce the passing of Profesor Emeritus Frank B. Cross. Prof. Cross, who was 63, succumbed to adrenoleukodystrophy, a rare genetic condition. A world-renowned expert on business law—and a faculty member with appointments at the McCombs School of Business and the School of Government, in addition to the School of […]