December 7, 2018
Law School Foundation Trustee Linda L. Addison ’76 has been appointed to the U.S. Board of Directors of KPMG, LLP, the audit, tax, and advisory firm. She will serve as one of the board’s two independent directors. Addison, who is the immediate past U.S. Managing Partner of Norton Rose Fulbright, has long been a highly […] -
October 17, 2018
Alumni, whether they are legends of the bar with 50-plus years of practice behind them, or recent graduates just a few months removed from passing the bar, are the heart and soul of any law school. This past October 12, the heart and soul of Texas Law gathered for the Alumni Association’s 2018 awards dinner […] -
September 29, 2018
IN MEMORIAM: Julius Whittier, Broke Race Barrier for Texas Football
Julius Whittier, whose life was long enmeshed with the University of Texas at Austin — integrating the football team in 1969 as a freshman undergraduate; earning a B.A. in Philosophy and a Masters in Public Policy with the inaugural class of the LBJ School; later returning to Austin to attend the School of Law — […] -
September 26, 2018
Honoring Eduardo Rodriguez at Texas Law’s 20th Annual Tailgate Extravaganza
Every year since 1998, alumni and their families look forward to Eduardo Rodriguez’s delicious BBQ at Texas Law’s annual tailgate party. It’s not just the hundreds of pounds of chicken, beef, quail, and sausage that attract attendees. It’s the sense of community and care that Rodriguez, with his family and friends, inspires. Learn more about […] -
September 20, 2018
The country is watching with palpable sympathy and dread as Hurricane Florence inflicts catastrophic damage throughout the Carolinas. And, as has been the case with Hurricane Harvey, many communities will be at the beginning of an arduous journey towards recovery, long after the floodwater recedes. These Texas Law alumni believe communities shouldn’t have to go […] -
September 17, 2018
Since 1980, the Texas Exes have honored alumni age 39 and younger whose character, professional achievements, and service to the University of Texas are truly exceptional. They have just announced the winners of the 2018 Outstanding Young Texas Ex Awards, and the list includes a Texas Law alumnus, Bryan Jones ’05. From the Texas Exes announcement: Bryan Jones, BS […] -
September 11, 2018
Texas Law Alumni Association President Arleas Upton Kea ’82 has been named Chief Operating Officer and Deputy to the Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Her elevation was announced by the FDIC’s Chairman, Jelena McWilliams. The appointment makes Upton Kea the top senior executive of the nation’s primary watchdog of the commercial banking industry. A […] -
September 6, 2018
Texas Law Alumna Elizabeth Copeland ’92 Confirmed to U.S. Tax Court
Double Longhorn— B.B.A. ’86 and J.D. ’92— Elizabeth Copeland has been confirmed by the United States Senate to the U.S. Tax Court. Senators approved her appointment on the evening of August 28 in a voice vote. “At Texas we take special pride in those graduates who go on to become judges,” noted Dean Ward Farnsworth. […] -
September 4, 2018
A celebration of life will be held Friday, September 7 at 2:00 p.m. at Westlake Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas. A private burial will take place in the Texas State Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to a charity of your choice. One of the most highly esteemed judges in Texas […] -
August 14, 2018
Martinez Jones ’07 Elected to National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Board
Texas Law alumna Judge Aurora Martinez Jones ’07 has been elected to Board of Directors of The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ). She is currently an appointed associate judge in Travis County, based in Austin, having been sworn in on January 2, 2015. Originally from La Porte, Texas, a suburb of […] -
July 29, 2018
A Memorial Service will take place at Westminister Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, July 31, at 1 p.m. A reception will follow at Tarry House at 2:30 p.m. In lieu of flowers the family asks those interested to consider making a donation to the Westminister Presbyterian Church or Hospice Austin. One of the greatest men from […] -
July 13, 2018
Joe and Terry Long to receive UT System Regents’ highest honor
Law School graduate Joe Long ’58 and his wife, Dr. Teresa Lozano Long, have been honored by the University of Texas System with the Santa Rita award, the highest distinction the Regents can bestow. The Santa Rita award is conferred on people or groups who have a record of commitment to furthering the purposes and […]