Category: Clinic News

  • Students from The University of Texas School of Law’s Supreme Court Clinic can boast an unbeaten record in cases before the United States Supreme Court. The students worked on behalf of two clients, Cheryle and Larry Jesinoski, who argued their mortgage lender, Countrywide Home Loans, hadn’t properly interpreted the Truth in Lending Act (TILA). The […]
  • Experts examine the relationship between energy production and environmental protection By Melissa Gaskill Illustrations by Pam Wishbow Record-low natural gas prices, increased national security and economic growth. Those benefits come from recent surges in drilling, the result of technological advances in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling that opened up vast reserves of previously inaccessible oil […]
  • By Samantha Youngblood By offering a fresh take on sage legal advice, the Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic (ECDC) at The University of Texas School of Law is serving up small business legal solutions so mobile foodies can do what they do best — make delicious street food. The story starts with Clinical Professor Heather […]
  • The William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law honored six graduating students from The University of Texas School of Law’s Class of 2014 for their extraordinary commitment during law school to using the law to serve others. The annual Justice Center Graduating Student Awards honor graduating students for work in nonprofit, government and legislative […]
  • Texas Law students Alex Goeman and Samantha Chen spoke at a press conference for the release of the “Deadly Heat in Texas Prisons” report along with Ariel Dulitzky.
    In April, the Texas Law Human Rights Clinic published a report on the threat heat causes to Texas inmates. Following is a summary of the findings in the report written by Ariel Dulitzky, Alex Goeman and Samantha Chen. Texans know that summers in the Lone Star State are a brutal combination of searing heat and […]
  • The Criminal Defense Clinic, the oldest and one of the largest law clinics at The University of Texas School of Law, celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. “As the first UT law school clinic we set the bar high for our students,” said Clinical Professor Bill Allison, the Criminal Defense Clinic’s director. “We could not […]
  • The University of Texas School of Law’s Children’s Rights Clinic tried two back-to-back jury cases to verdict in February — achieving favorable outcomes for abused and neglected children in both cases The Children’s Rights Clinic doesn’t try jury cases every year, which makes the two consecutive cases unusual. Most of the clinic’s cases resolve in […]
  • The Civil Rights Clinic at The University of Texas School of Law has been working a high-profile criminal case in Dallas, defending activist-journalist Barrett Brown. In an extremely rare turn of events, the United States government voluntarily dismissed on Wednesday all but one of the 12 charges against Brown in an indictment accusing him of […]
  • Dozens of students, faculty, staff and alumni spent the last week of winter break on The University of Texas School of Law’s fifth Pro Bono in January trip to the Texas Rio Grande Valley. Representatives from UT Law and partner organizations provided legal assistance at no cost to approximately 200 clients in underserved communities. Thirty […]
  • The University of Texas School of Law’s Pro Bono Program, in conjunction with the American Bar Association’s National Pro Bono Celebration, has planned several events for students and the community Oct. 20 to 26, that emphasize the role of UT Law in delivering pro bono services. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Clinic UT Law’s Immigration […]
  • A recent report evaluating an educational advocacy pilot project in Travis County makes recommendations for improving educational outcomes for youth entering the child welfare system in the county. The report, which was co-authored by a clinical professor and a research attorney at The University of Texas School of Law, was issued by the Travis County […]
  • A recent report has found major flaws with the City of Austin’s policies for addressing dangerous apartment conditions to protect the health and safety of tenants. The report, “Addressing Problem Properties: Legal and Policy Tools for a Safer Rundberg and Safer Austin,” was released by The University of Texas School of Law’s Entrepreneurship and Community […]