May 10, 2016
Rapoport Center Receives Award for Sissy Farenthold Online Exhibition
Texas Law’s Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice has won an Exceptional Merit in Media Award (EMMA) from the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC) for its online exhibition Frances Tarlton “Sissy” Farenthold: A Noble Citizen. The interactive, multimedia website chronicles the life and work of Sissy Farenthold (Texas Law ’49), a trailblazing reformer, […] -
February 25, 2016
The Texas Law Advocacy Program recently competed in three different advocacy competitions, successfully taking on teams from around the nation and bringing multiple awards back to the law school. “These victories exemplify the talent and dedication of our students, who spend countless hours perfecting their skills, our wonderful coaches who take away from their busy […] -
February 25, 2016
William Sage: Generational Change Will Transform Health Care For The Better
The cover story of this month’s Managed Care Magazine is “Young Docs: The New Blood That Health Care Needs,” and it builds its profile of a new rising generation of doctors and medical students on a lecture given at Yale Law School last fall by Texas Law Prof. William Sage. Prof. Sage—also an MD with […] -
February 1, 2016
Sunday’s Austin American-Statesman profiles the work of Texas Law’s Immigration Clinic and its leaders: clinic founder Barbara Hines, who retired as clinic director last year but still maintains a role; and, Professor Denise Gilman, who served with Hines for seven years before following in her footsteps in the director’s role. The ongoing plight of women and […] -
January 22, 2016
A three-day conference hosted by Texas Law Professor Sanford Levinson began last night in the Eidman Courtroom. “The Federalist in the 21st Century” gathers more than twenty of the nation’s leading constitutional scholars in Austin for a series of talks and panels inspired by—though not necessarily about—Levinson’s forthcoming book, “An Argument Open to All: Reading […] -
January 20, 2016
It is with great sorrow that we report the passing of Mark Kincaid. Mark was not only an alumnus (class of 1983) but also an adjunct faculty member here, and known to many members of the law school community personally and professionally. Among his many honors and achievements, Mark was recently elected to be President of the […] -
January 19, 2016
Professor Charles Silver has been conducting groundbreaking research and writing influential academic articles and books for three decades. Now, he takes on a new writing challenge: social and cultural commentator, looking at the world through a legal lens. Two of his opinion pieces have recently appeared on Forbes online. The first, “Tarantino Is Right: The Police Need […] -
January 13, 2016
Texas Law is proud to announce that alumnus Darren Walker, ’86, will give the commencement address at the 2016 Sunflower Ceremony on Saturday, May 21. Walker is currently the president of the Ford Foundation, where he oversees more than $12 billion in assets, $500 million in grants and 10 international offices. He is also a […] -
January 4, 2016
Professor Michele Deitch co-authored (with Pace Law School’s Michael Mushlin) an opinion piece for The New York Times’ Opinion page, “What’s Going On In Our Prisons?” In it, Deitch and Mushlin make the argument not only for independent oversight of New York State’s correctional facilities, but for a national awareness that a movement calling for increased police accountability is incomplete […] -
December 24, 2015
Attorney and Longhorn philanthropist Joe Jamail, BA ’50, JD ’53, Life Member, Distinguished Alumnus, died Wednesday at age 90. Dean Ward Farnsworth shared these comments after learning the news: I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Joe Jamail, our wonderful friend and graduate. It is a loss felt keenly by all of us […] -
December 17, 2015
Professor Melinda Taylor, executive director of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Center for Energy, Law & Business, and one of the nation’s foremost experts on environmental law, is the subject of the latest feature by UT’s Energy Institute, in their “Research Spotlight” column. It is a well-deserved honor for this veteran of both the National Audubon […] -
December 14, 2015
Lynn Baker and Charles Silver Ask, “Is The Price Right?” for Class Action Fees
Every year, class action settlements bring $10-$20 billion into federal courts, and every year, federal judges award billions of these dollars to plaintiffs’ attorneys in payment of fees and reimbursement of expenses. But can we be sure those awards are set correctly? And, if they aren’t, what are the consequences for plaintiffs, attorneys, judges, and […]