Category: Faculty News

  • The new Supreme Court Term opened yesterday, and seasoned Court watchers have their sights set on a number of high-profile cases coming before the Court in the next nine months. Texas Law Prof. Linda Mullenix is one such close student of the Court. Her analyses and previews of civil procedure and class action cases before […]
  • Texas Law Prof. H.W. Perry has been named the recipient of the 2017 Teaching and Mentoring Award from the Law and Courts Section of the American Political Science Teaching Association. The award was announced at APSA’s annual meetings in San Francisco on September 4. The Teaching and Mentoring Award recognizes innovative teaching and instructional methods and […]
  • Headshot of Steve Vladeck
    Last week saw the publication of Texas Law Prof. Stephen I. Vladeck’s latest article, The Constitutional Right to Collateral Post-Conviction Review, in the Virginia Law Review. In it, he and co-author Carlos M. Vasquez, a Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center, take a closer look at one of less-discussed—but, in Vladeck and Vasquez’s […]
  • The Law School community is saddened by the sudden passing of Professor John A. Robertson, holder of the Vinson & Elkins Chair and a beloved member of our faculty for over thirty-five years. Professor Robertson, a renowned bioethics scholar, was honored in 2010 with a lifetime achievement award from the American Society for Law, Medicine […]
  • Is the Price Right? An Empirical Study of Fee-Setting in Securities Class Actions, an article by Professors Lynn Baker and Charles Silver, and co-author Michael Perino, of St. John’s University School of Law, was named one of the ten best articles on corporate and securities law in 2016 by the Corporate Practice Commentator.  The article, which appeared […]
  • Jordan Steiker, the Judge Robert M. Parker Endowed Chair in Law and Director of the Capital Punishment Center at Texas Law, along with his sister Carol Steiker, the Henry J. Friendly Professor of Law and Faculty Co-Director of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School, were asked by SCOTUSblog to analyze the decisions of […]
  • Texas Law Prof. David Rabban is wrapping up an extraordinary year in which he was honored with two of the most prestigious fellowships for academics and leading thinkers in the country. Rabban, the Jamail Regents Chair at the School of Law, is the recipient of both a Guggenheim Fellowship, and of a fellowship from the […]
  • The current issue of the Federal Bar Association’s Admiralty Law eNewsletter — Admiralitas — turns its “Member Spotlight” on Texas Law Prof. Michael F. Sturley. Prof. Sturley is a founding member of the Admiralty Section of the FBA, as well as one of the directors on the Board of Directors. The interview below, reprinted with permission, covers Prof. […]
  • Headshot of Professor Chesney
    On September 1, 2010, Texas Law Prof. Robert Chesney, along with Harvard Law Prof. Jack Goldsmith and Brookings Institute Senior Fellow Benjamin Wittes, hit “publish” on the first entry of what was then a novel idea: a blog dedicated to the complex and thorny legal issues raised by America’s then-decade-long “war on terror.” As Wittes wrote in […]
  • The following article was published by The LBJ School of Public Affairs, with whom the law school shares several faculty members and research projects, a dual-degree program, and the interdisciplinary Robert Strauss Center. It covers the remarkable research conducted by Prof. Michele Deitch, a senior lecturer at the law school and a Soros Senior Justice […]
  • Professor Richard Albert of Boston College has accepted an offer to join Texas Law in January 2018.  Prof. Albert will be teaching a 1L Constitutional Law section, among other courses. His scholarship focuses on constitutional amendment in comparative, doctrinal, historical and theoretical perspectives. He is currently completing a book on constitutional amendment, to be published by Oxford University Press. […]
  • A major article by Prof. Bob Peroni in last November’s Tulane Law Review was awarded the John Minor Wisdom Award for Academic Excellence in Legal Scholarship. The award is given annually to the authors of the best lead article in the current volume of the Review. Prof. Peroni shares the honor with his two co-authors, J. Clifton […]