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The Human Rights Happy Hour Speaker Series features scholars and practitioners from around the world. These multidisciplinary lectures foster dialogue around complex human rights issues. Each lecture draws a wide array of students, faculty, and community members, creating an atmosphere characteristic of the collaborative nature of human rights work.
Previous Other Speakers Events
Pandemic Genres: Imagining Politics in a Time of AIDS – With Neville Hoad
In Conversation with Satsuki Ina: From WWII Japanese Incarceration to Family Detention
Making Never-Never Land: Race and Law in the Creation of Puerto Rico — With Mónica A. Jiménez
Speaker:- Mónica Jiménez Assistant Professor, African and African Diaspora Studies
Human Rights Dialogues: Xenophobia and Migration in the Southwest Border Region
Alicia Partnoy: “Solidarity as a Tool for Survival: Reflections of an Argentine Activist and Former Desaparecida”
Fady Joudah in Conversation with Roger Reeves
Steve Meili, “The Constitutionalization of Human Rights Law: Implications for Refugees”
Why Reparations are Not Enough to Address the Harm of Forced Sterilization in California: A Transitional Justice Analysis
Writing Sudan: Novelist Fatin Abbas reads from Ghost Season
Albena Azmanova: The Politics of Precarity and Patterns of Autocracy in Europe
Before and After Chile 1973: Recovering a More Just Future
Critical Lives in Red States: Academic Freedom and Cultural Transformation after DEI
Documentary screening: “The Recall: Reframed”
Dr. Sinan Antoon: When Wars and Wounds Collide
If/When/How Lunch and Learn: The Crisis of Crisis Pregnancy Centers with Aziza Amed
Dr. Amaya Alvez: Water, Ancestral Knowledge, and the Chilean Constitution
An Imperial Genealogy of Minority as a Legal Category: The Making of a Crisis of Citizenship in South Asia
Address by Melissa Murray, Order of the Coif Distinguished Visitor
Counter-Terrorism, Peacebuilding, and the UN
Strategies for Reproductive Justice in Texas after the End of Roe v. Wade: From the Local to the Global
Can the Law Save Tropical Forests?
Speaker:- Antonio Herman Benjamin Justice, Superior Tribunal de Justiça (National High Court of Brazil)
Guantanamo Bay, Human Rights Lawyering, and The Mauritanian: A Conversation with Nancy Hollander
Quilombola Lives Matter: Forging Transnational Anti-Racisms in the Age of Pandemic
“Islamic Democracy” Arrested? Resistance to Authoritarian Transition in Turkey
Speaker:- Halil Ibrahim Yenigün Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar, Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, Stanford University
Grassroots Leadership Luncheon
Latino and Immigrant Rights in the Trump Era
The Protection of Disability Rights in Africa and its Implication for the Right to Development for Persons with Disabilities | Luncheon with Dr. Serges Djoyou Kamga
Speaker:- Serges Djoyou Kamga Associate Professor of Law, Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute, University of South Africa
Modern Africa: Illicit Flows and Africa’s Development
Speaker:- Serges Djoyou Kamga Associate Professor of Law, Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute, University of South Africa
Music, Human Rights, and Transitional Justice: Toward an Activist Ethnomusicology
Speaker:- Jonathan Ritter Associate Professor of Music; Director, Latin American Studies Program, University of California-Riverside
The US and Other External Actors in the Liberian Conflict and Peace
Speaker:- Olajumoke Yacob-Haliso Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Babcock University, Nigeria
Mothers, Mothering and Survival in a Post-conflict African Context
Speaker:- Olajumoke Yacob-Haliso Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Babcock University, Nigeria
Charting Global Economic Inequalities in the Garment and Tea Worker Struggles of Bangladesh
Speaker:- Chaumtoli Huq Founder, Editor-In-Chief, Law@theMargins
Truth Commissions and the Politics of National Reconciliation: Limits and Possibilities for Post-Conflict Peace-building
Speaker:- Bonny Ibhawoh Professor, Department of History, Centre for Peace Studies, McMaster University, Canada
Nationalism, Socialism and Human Rights: Assessing the Leadership Politics of Kwame Nkrumah and Julius Nyerere
Speaker:- Bonny Ibhawoh Professor, Department of History, Centre for Peace Studies, McMaster University, Canada
Predatory Employers, Vulnerable Workers: How Unrestrained Employer Power Increases Inequality
Speaker:- Steve Viscelli Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Senior Fellow, Kleinman Center for Energy Policy, University of Pennsylvania
Litigating against Super Powers: Human Rights and the Chagos Islanders
Speaker:- Sivakumaren (Robin) Mardemootoo Attorney-at-Law, Mardemootoo Solicitors
When do Work-Family Policies Work for Women and Men?: Unpacking the Effect of Informal Practices
Speaker:- Sarah Thébaud Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California-Santa Barbara
The New Social Subject as Transgender: Woman as Revolutionary Man
Speaker:- Ileana Rodríguez Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Latin American Literatures and Culture - Ohio State University
Archives and Human Rights Working Group: Lunch with Mary Marshall Clark
Speaker:- Mary Marshall Clark Director, Center for Oral History Research, Columbia University
Guantánamo: Seeing into the Dark Archive and Human Rights Oral History in our Times
Speaker:- Mary Marshall Clark Director, Center for Oral History Research, Columbia University
Archival Fictions Seminar with Mary Marshall Clark
Speaker:- Mary Marshall Clark Director, Center for Oral History Research, Columbia University
Notes from the Field: Reflections from Summer Fellows in Human Rights and Global Justice
Against the Deportation Terror: Tracing Routes and Roots of Immigrant Rights Activism in the 20th Century
Speaker:- Rachel Ida Buff Professor of History, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Precarious Lives: Job Insecurity and Well-Being in Rich Democracies
“Refugees welcome?” National and European dimensions of Germany’s recent refugee policies
Speaker:- Dietrich Thränhardt Professor of Political Science, University of Münster, Germany
Inside Private Prisons: An American Dilemma in the Age of Mass Incarceration
Speaker:- L.B. Eisen Senior Counsel, Brennan Center for Justice, NYU School of Law
Human Rights Abuses in Coahuila, Mexico
Scenes from the Mermaid Tear Factory: Policy and Performance in the Age of Climate Change
Speaker:- Elizabeth Doud Climakaze Artistic Director, FUNDarte, Inc. & Americas Program Coordinator, National Performance Network
Gender Wealth Inequality in French Families
Speaker:- Céline Bessière Assistant Professor of Sociology, PSL University-Paris Dauphine
The Trial of Public Health in India Question: Questions for Ethics and Justice
Speaker:- Sarojini Nadimpally Public Health Researcher and Scientist
Roundtable Discussion on India’s Recent Supreme Court Ruling on Privacy Rights
Speaker:- Sarojini Nadimpally Public Health Researcher and Scientist
Challenges for Central American Refugees in the U.S. and Mexico
Where Are We Heading?: The State of Democracy and Rights in Bangladesh
Speaker:- Khushi Kabir Human Rights Activist; Rapoport Center Visiting Practitioner
Widows: Loss, Land, and the Law
Speakers:- Cynthia Gorney
Contributing Writer, National Geographic
- Jon Sawyer Executive Director, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
- Cynthia Gorney
Contributing Writer, National Geographic
Fighting Organized and Environmental Crime in Central America: Unraveling Structural Conditions and Policy Limitations
Speaker:- Mark Ungar Professor of Political Science, Brooklyn College and Graduate Center; Doctoral Program in Criminal Justice, Graduate Center, City University of New York
Large-scale Irregular Migration from Turkey: What was Going on There?
Speaker:- Franck Düvell Associate Professor and Senior Researcher, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford
Mediterranean Migration Crisis: Trajectories, Journeys and Hubs
Speaker:- Franck Düvell Associate Professor and Senior Researcher, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford
Unsustainable International Law: Transnational Resource Extraction and Violence Against Women
Speaker:- Penelope Simons Professor of Law, University of Ottawa
Using Ghana’s Oil Wealth to Promote Social Rights: A Vanishing Dream?
Speakers:- Lucie E. White
Louis A. Horvitz Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
- William E. Forbath Lloyd M. Bentsen Chair in Law & Associate Dean for Research, Texas Law
- Lucie E. White
Louis A. Horvitz Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
Writers from the South in the North
Environmental Martyrdom & Defenders of the Forest
Speaker:- Rob Nixon Thomas A. and Currie C. Barron Family Professorship in Humanities and Environment, Princeton University
Building a Lasting Territorial Peace in Colombia
Speaker:- Patricia Tobón Yagarí Emberá indigenous activist and lawyer, National Indigenous Organization of Colombia
Extraction, Indigenous Rights and Prior Consent
Speaker:- Patricia Tobón Yagarí Emberá indigenous activist and lawyer, National Indigenous Organization of Colombia
The Recognition Gap: Why Labels Matter in Human Rights Protection
Speaker:- Stacy Kosko Assistant Research Professor & Associate Director, Minor in International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland
The Exploitation Bias in the Transnational Law of Natural Resource Extraction
Speaker:- Isabel Feichtner Assistant Professor of Law and Economics, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Guatemalan Women Healing Toward Justice: The Sepur Zarco Case
Speaker:- Maudí Tzay Alliance to Break the Silence and End Impunity
Digital Archaeology: Tools for Truth and Justice in the Wake of El Salvador’s Amnesty Law?
Speaker:- Angelina Godoy Helen H. Jackson Endowed Chair in Human Rights and Director of the Center for Human Rights, University of Washington
Extractive Industries and Inequality: Intersections of Environmental Law, Human Rights and Environmental Justice
Speaker:- Sumudu Atapattu Director of Research Centers and Senior Lecturer, University of Wisconsin Law School
Rival Kurdish Movements in Turkey: Transforming Ethnic Conflict
Speaker:- Mustafa Gurbuz Adjunct Professorial Lecturer, American University
Global Struggles, Local Battlegrounds: A Panel on Human Rights as Civil Rights at the State and Local Level
Speakers:- Aimee Arrambide
Program Manager and Reproductive Rights Policy Specialist, Public Leadership Institute
- Ariel Dulitzky Clinical Professor of Law and Director, Human Rights Clinic
- Celia Israel Texas State Representative
- Ariel Dulitzky Clinical Professor of Law and Director, Human Rights Clinic
- Aimee Arrambide
Program Manager and Reproductive Rights Policy Specialist, Public Leadership Institute
Remembering Violence and the Violence of Remembering
Speaker:- Khatharya Um Associate Professor of Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, University of California, Berkeley
Personal Injury Law and International Human Rights: Litigating Toxic Injustices
Speaker:- Scott Hendler Attorney and Counselor at Law, Hendler Lyons Flores
Certifiably Fair: Can Consumers Monitor Human Rights?
Speakers:- José Aylwin
Adjunct Professor, Universidad Austral de Chile School of Law; Co-Director, Observatorio Ciudadano (Citizens’ Watch)
- Jessica Champagne Director of Research and Advocacy, Worker Rights Consortium
- Michael E. Conroy Co-founder of Colibrí Consulting – Certification for Sustainable Development
- Julia Dehm Postdoctoral Fellow (2015-2017)
- Sean Sellers Co-founder and Senior Investigator, Fair Food Standards Council
- Jessica Champagne Director of Research and Advocacy, Worker Rights Consortium
- José Aylwin
Adjunct Professor, Universidad Austral de Chile School of Law; Co-Director, Observatorio Ciudadano (Citizens’ Watch)
Policing the Police: the Federal Government’s Role in Reforming Police Practices
Speaker:- Christy E. Lopez Deputy Chief, Special Litigation Section, Justice Department Civil Rights Division
Rights, Conflict & Crises
Speaker:- Hina Jilani Advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Human Rights Activist
Rights, Resources, Territory: The Struggles of the Garifuna and Lenca in Honduras
Speakers:- Berta Cáceres
Coordinator, Council of Indigenous and Popular Organizations of Honduras (COPINH)
- Miriam Miranda Chamorro Executive Director, The Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH)
- Berta Cáceres
Coordinator, Council of Indigenous and Popular Organizations of Honduras (COPINH)
The Arab Upheaval: Roots, Dynamics, and Prospects
Speaker:- Gilbert Achcar Professor of Development Studies and International Relations, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Battling for Immigrants’ Rights: Litigation, Advocacy, and Government Service
Speaker:- Lucas Guttentag Senior Counselor to the Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security (
The Ideological Origins of the Dirty War: Fascism, Populism, and Dictatorship in Twentieth-Century Argentina
Speaker:- Federico Finchelstein Associate Professor of History, Chair of the Historical Studies Department, and Director of The Janey Program in Latin American Studies, The New School for Social Research
The Armenian Genocide and Modernity
Speaker:- Peter Balakian Donald M. and Constance H. Rebar Professor of the Humanities; Professor of English and Director of Creative Writing, Colgate University
Human Rights and the Politics of Migration: A Latin American Perspective
Speaker:- Pablo Ceriani Professor of Law and Coordinator of the Migration & Human Rights Program, National University of Lanús (Argentina)
The Place of Israel in Asia: Settler Colonialism, Mobility, and Memory among ’48 Palestinians
Speaker:- Magid Shihade Birzeit University
Whither the Arab Spring? Legal and Political Reflections on Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary Egypt
Speakers:- Jason Brownlee
Professor, Department of Government
- Sahar Aziz Texas A&M Law School
- Jason Brownlee
Professor, Department of Government
Criminalizing the Illegal Use of Force: Tragedy or Triumph?
Speaker:- Donald Ferencz Visiting Professor, Middlesex University London, and Convenor, The Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression
A Regulationist Perspective to Human Rights: Blueprint of an Inquiry
Speaker:- Pablo de Larrañaga Monjaraz Professor of Constitutional Law and Regulation, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)
The Legacies of the September 11 Coup d’état in Chile: Four Decades Later
Borrowing a Constitution: The U.S. Constitution in Argentina and the Heyday of the Argentine Supreme Court (1853-1930)
Speaker:- Jonathan Miller Professor of Law, Southwestern Law School
The Politics of Compliance with International Courts: A General Theory with Evidence from the European Court of Justice
Speakers:- Matthew Gabel
Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Political Science, Washington University in St. Louis
- Clifford Carrubba Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for the Study of Law, Politics, and Economics, Emory University
- Matthew Gabel
Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Political Science, Washington University in St. Louis
Politics of Inclusion: Women, Afrodescendants, and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America
Speaker:- Mala Htun Associate Professor of Political Science, University of New Mexico
Electing Judges: The Surprising Effects of Campaigning on Judicial Legitimacy
Speaker:- James Gibson Sidney W. Souers Professor of Government and Director of the Program on Citizenship and Democratic Values, Washington University in St. Louis
The Social Construction of Human Rights in Africa
Speaker:- Benjamin Gregg Professor of Government
Inter-American Constitutionalism: The Creation and Internalization of Human Rights
Speaker:- Jorge Contesse Professor and Director of the Center for Human Rights, Universidad Diego Portales (Chile)
Muslims in Europe: Multiculturalism, Cultural Clash, Human Rights
Speaker:- Henry Steiner Professor of Law, Harvard University
Of Prosthetics and Pageants
Speaker:- Mimi Thi Nguyen Assistant Professor of Gender and Women's Studies and Asian American Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Rights in Culture in Aotearoa, New Zealand: Treaty Rights and Human Rights
Speaker:- Graeme Austin Professor, School of Law, Victoria University of Wellington
Archiving Memory after Mass Atrocities
Speaker:- John Ciorciari Assistant Professor of Public Policy, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
From Monuments to Ladders: Collapsing Social Rights Typologies into a New Enforcement-Oriented Schema
Speaker:- Tara Melish Associate Professor of Law & Director, Human Rights Center, University at Buffalo Law School, SUNY
Legal Inequality and Domestic Violence. Who gets what and when at the Sub-national Level?
Speaker:- Catalina Smulovitz Director, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Argentina)
Humanitarian Citizenship and Race: Katrina and the Global War on Terror
Speaker:- Inderpal Grewal Professor and Chair of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Yale University
Un balance delicado: El defensor de derechos humanos en un gobierno democrático
Speaker:- Jorge Enrique Talana Former Foreign Minister of Argentina
Leap Frog Feminism: Learning about Human Rights Institution Building from Local Actors
Speaker:- Julie Mertus Professor, School of International Service, American University (AU)
Oil, Litigation and Conservation in the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador: Can Cowode Law Protect the Rights of Indigenous Huaorani in the Oil Patch and Yasuni Biosphere Reserve?
Speaker:- Judith Kimerling Professor of Law and Policy at The City University of New York
Bringing Anthropology to Court: The Promotion of Trialogues for the Enforcement of Indigenous Rights
Speaker:- Claudia Briones Professor and Director of the Graduate and Postgraduate Program in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the National University of Rio Negro (UNRN) in Argentina
Cycles of Right to Health Litigation: the Elusive Argentine Experience
Speaker:- Paola Bergallo Professor, Universidad de San Andrés in Buenos Aires, Argentina
TRIPS, Human Rights, and the Health Impact Fund
Speaker:- Thomas Pogge Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs at Yale University
Temporalities of Struggle: National Liberation Movements and International Strategies of Rule
Speaker:- Samera Esmeir Assistant Professor, Rhetoric Department at the University of California, Berkeley
Asylum Rights between Left and Right: The German Case
Speaker:- Lora Wildenthal Associate Professor, History Department at Rice University in Houston, Texas
The Informal State in International Law: the United States, Gender and Unilateralism
Speaker:- Karen Knop Professor of Law, University of Toronto
Assessing the Distributive Impact of Social and Economic Rights Litigation: More Litigation = More Inequality?
Speakers:- Daniel Brinks
Co-director (2010-2019); Professor of Government and of Law; Chair, Government Department
- Varun Gauri Senior Economist in the Development Research Group of the World Bank
- Daniel Brinks
Co-director (2010-2019); Professor of Government and of Law; Chair, Government Department
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Reflections on a Joint Venture—Twenty Years Later
Speaker:- Cecilia Medina Universidad de Chile and past president, Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Neither Members nor Strangers: Imagining ‘The People’ in the Age of the Diaspora
Speaker:- Adeno Addis William Ray Forrester Professor of Public and Constitutional Law, Tulane University
Service Learning: A Roundtable Discussion on Community Engagement Programs
Speakers:- Vandana Nakka Peterson
Postgraduate Fellow (2009-2010)
- Virginia Raymond Texas After Violence Project
- Marion Rocco Bridging Disciplines Program, University of Texas at Austin
- Sean McCarthy Department of Rhetoric & Writing, University of Texas at Austin
- Alice Batt Lecturer, Department of Rhetoric & Writing, University of Texas at Austin
- Virginia Raymond Texas After Violence Project
- Vandana Nakka Peterson
Postgraduate Fellow (2009-2010)
Analogies and Discontinuities in Colombia and Sri Lanka’s Violence
Speaker:- María Victoria Uribe Colombian National Commission of Reparations and Reconciliation
Armed Conflict and Collective Rights in the Southern Pacific Region of Colombia
Speaker:- Eduardo Restrepo Professor of Anthropology, Pontífica Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
A Human Rights Perspective on Unparented Children & International Adoption
Speaker:- Elizabeth Bartholet Morris Wasserstein Public Interest Professor of Law & Faculty Director of the Child Advocacy Program, Harvard Law School
Ruth First and the South African Struggle
Speaker:- Gillian Slovo South African born novelist, playwright and memoirist
Children and Armed Conflict
Speaker:- Murhabazi Namegabe Director, Bureau pour le Volontariat au Sevice de l'Enfance et de la Santé (BVES), Democratic Republic of the Congo
Does Torture Work?
Speaker:- Lisa Hajjar Associate Professor & Department Chair, Law and Society, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Development and Influence of Helsinki Watch
Speaker:- Sarah Snyder Cassius Marcellus Clay Fellow, Department of History, Yale University
Law, Locality, and International Human Rights
Speaker:- Shirin Ebadi Nobel Peace Laureate (2003), civil rights activist and lecturer in law, University of Tehran
Human Rights as Social Theory
Speaker:- Benjamin Gregg Professor of Government
Fighting for Human Rights in the Homeland
Speaker:- Kathleen Neal Cleaver Visiting Professor at the University of Texas School of Law
Women, Human Rights, and the ‘War on Terrorism’
Speaker:- Gretchen Ritter Professor in the Department of Government at the University of Texas
Song as Crime: the Prosecution of a Pop Star, and other New Cases on Incitement to Genocide
Speaker:- Susan Benesch Visiting Professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law
UN Military Observers at Work
Speaker:- Daniel Blocq Lieutenant in the Royal Netherlands Navy
The Torture Team: International Criminal Liability for Lawyers?
Speaker:- Philippe Sands Professor of Law at the University College London
The Philosophy of Punishment, Human Rights, and International Criminal Law
Speaker:- Roberto Gargarella Professor of Constitutional Theory and Political Philosophy at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
From Resistance to Governance: How the EPLF/PFDJ Experience Shapes Eritrea’s Regional Strategy
Speaker:- Dan Connell Distinguished Lecturer in Journalism and African Politics at Simmons College
Implementation of the Istanbul Protocol – A Summary Report of the Efforts to Eliminate Torture and Ill-Treatment in Mexico
Speaker:- Alejandro Moreno Associate Professor of Internal Medicine; Assistant Dean and Director of Medical Education, Dell Medical School
Tortured Thoughts: The Example Set by Ruth First from her Interrogation in 1963 to her Assassination in 1982
Speaker:- Barbara Harlow (1948-2017) Louann and Larry Temple Centennial Professor of English Literatures
The US and Torture: History and Jurisprudence
Speaker:- Jennifer Harbury Human rights activist, author, and attorney
Individual Body/Collective Body
Speaker: -
A Genealogy of Caring: A Long View of the Figure of the Refugee
Speaker:- Itty Abraham Associate Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, National University of Singapore
What is International Human Rights Law? Three Applications of a Distributive Account
Speaker:- Patrick Macklem William C. Graham Professor of Law, University of Toronto
Delimiting Accountability: Writing History out of Justice
Speaker:- Vasuki Nesiah Associate Professor of Practice, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York University
Globalization, States, and Social Rights: Negotiating Women’s Economic Citizenship in the Maghreb
Speaker:- Valentine Moghadam Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies and Director of the Women's Studies Program, Purdue University
Legal Pluralism and Extra-Legal Property: Class, Culture and Law in Bogotá
Speaker:- Daniel Bonilla Associate Professor, Universidad de los Andes School of Law
Indigenous Roads to Development; Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Indigenous Peoples and Reparations
Speakers:- Karen Engle
Founder and Co-Director; Minerva House Drysdale Regents Chair in Law
- Gerald Torres
- Karen Engle
Founder and Co-Director; Minerva House Drysdale Regents Chair in Law
How Does One Assign Value to Culture?
Speaker:- Andy Palacio Musician, Garifuna Collective
Human Rights in Guatemala
Speaker:- Julio Solórzano Foppa Producer and Writer
Central American Migrants and Mexico’s Southern Border: Human Rights and the Criminalization of Poor Workers
Speaker:- Christine Kovic Associate Professor of Anthropology
Rule of Law in Wartime: The Issues and the Academic Program
Speakers:- Derek Jinks
The Marrs McLean Professor in Law
- Scott Sullivan Professor of Law
- Derek Jinks
The Marrs McLean Professor in Law
Language Rights?
Speaker:- Robert D. King* Professor Emeritus of Linguistics
African Queen: the Real Life of the Hottentot Venus
Speaker:- Rachel Holmes Writer, Broadcaster, Columnist, and Reviewer
Indigenous Peoples of Mexico and their Struggles for Rights: Gender Perspective on Cultural Citizenship
Speaker: -
Immigrants and U.S. Workers: The Paradox of Non-Citizen Worker Rights
Weaving Consciousness: Women and Indigenous Identity in Chiapas, Mexico
Calling the United States’ Bluff: How Sovereign Immunity Undermines the United States’ Claim to an Effective Domestic Human Rights System
Speaker:- Denise L. Gilman Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Immigration Clinic
Comparative Law as Archeology: On Sodomy, Islamic Law and the Human Rights Activist
Speaker: -
A Historical Look at the Inter-American System of Human Rights
Speaker:- Liliana Obregon Professor of Law
State Responsibility in the Era of Individual Criminal Culpability
Speaker:- Thomas Franck Professor of Law Emeritus
Trafficking in Human Rights in the Postmodern Age
Speaker:- Paolo Carozza Associate Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School and Member, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
The Australian ‘Stolen Generations’ and Reparations
Speaker:- Tony Buti Senior Lecturer in Law, Murdoch University, Perth
The Law, Politics and Impact of Litigating Social and Economic Rights in the Developing world
Speaker:- Daniel Brinks Co-director (2010-2019); Professor of Government and of Law; Chair, Government Department
San Antonio’s La Villita, Pan-Americanism and World War II
Speaker:- Judson Wood, Jr. Attorney at Law, Cox Matthews Smith Incorporated
Redesigning Workers’ Rights for the Global Economy: Core Labor Rights Confront Labor Market Flexibility
Speaker:- Kerry Rittich Professor, Faculty of Law and the Women's and Gender Studies Institute, University of Toronto
The Law of War as a Field of Battle
Speaker:- Nathaniel Berman Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
International Human Rights Law and the Socialization of States; Additional suggested reading: Introduction, Parts I and V, and Conclusion of “How To Influence States”
Speakers:- Derek Jinks
The Marrs McLean Professor in Law
- Ryan Goodman Assistant Professor of Law, Harvard
- Derek Jinks
The Marrs McLean Professor in Law
Development Priorities, Human Rights Principles: Globalization and the Place of the Transnational Private Actor in International Law
Speaker:- Erika George Associate Professor of Law, University of Utah
The Ticking Bomb and Other Modern Myths
Speaker:- Susan Marks Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, & Director of Studies & Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Bystanders: The Limits of International Criminal Trials and Jurisprudence
Speaker:- Laurel Fletcher Clinical Professor of Law and Director, International Human Rights Law Clinic, University of California, Berkeley
Adjudicating Culture, Politicizing Law: Legal Strategies for Black and Indigenous Land Rights Struggles in the Americas
Blood, Sweat and Fear: Workers’ Rights in U.S. Meat and Poultry Plants
Speaker:- Lance Compa Senior Lecturer, Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Crisis in Darfur
Speaker:- Joanne Mariner Deputy Director, Americas Division, Human Rights Watch
Anticipating the War on Terror: Preventative Detention at Home and Pre-emptive War Abroad
Speaker:- Jules Lobel Professor, University of Pittsburgh Law School
Disorientations: Sexuality Rights Claims and Imperial Geography
Speaker:- Neville Hoad Co-Director; Associate Professor of English
Transnational Worker Rights Clinic seminar
Speaker:- Michael Dale Director, Northwest Workers Justice Project
From Guantanamo Bay to Abu Ghraib: Extraterritorial State Action and International Human Rights Law
Speaker:- Ralph Wilde Lecturer, Department of Laws, University College London